446 new confirmations… US CDC “Severe Side Effects of Vaccine Rare”

1. 446 new confirmed people… US “Severe side effects of vaccine are rare”


As of today (20th) 0 o’clock, there are 446 newly confirmed corona19 confirmed cases. After four days, it fell to 400 again. However, it is too early to be relieved as the effects of’New Year holidays’ and’distant distance’ will appear in the future. Meanwhile, in the US where vaccination is being done, a study found that “there are few cases of serious side effects after being vaccinated.” Corona-related news at home and abroad, reporter Seo Jun-seok delivers.


As of today 0 o’clock, there are 446 corona19 confirmed cases.

Local outbreaks are 414 people and overseas inflows are 32 people.

The number of new confirmed cases has decreased by more than 100 from the previous day, and has returned to 400 in four days.

However, it is difficult to relax tensions as new infections have been identified in various places such as family and acquaintance groups, workplaces, restaurants, and academies.

In particular, the effects of the Lunar New Year holidays and social distancing are likely to emerge in the future.

Meanwhile, in the United States, a study found that “there are few cases of serious side effects after being vaccinated.”

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analyzed cases of side effects after being vaccinated by Pfizer and Modena.

According to the analysis, of the 1.62,000 people who received the vaccine, 0.4% or 6994 people had side effects, of which 640 people experienced serious side effects.

Common types of side effects were headache, fatigue, and dizziness.

In the midst of this, the G7 leaders announced that they will raise the support for the World Health Organization’s international betrayal joint purchase project to $7.5 billion and our money to 8,300 billion.

2. How to revoke a doctor’s license in case of imprisonment or fraudulent acquisition… Welfare Committee passed

The amendment bill of the medical law’depriving the license of a doctor sentenced to a sentence of more than a safe’ was’passed by the National Assembly Health and Welfare Committee’ last night. The bill, passed at the plenary meeting of the Welfare Committee, also contained content that would allow the license to be revoked if the license was issued in a fraudulent manner. The Korean Medical Association stated that the amendment to the medical law is “aggravated punishment to deprive the freedom of job performance,” and this afternoon, it announced that it would discuss boycotts or general strikes on vaccination with 16 municipal and provincial medical associations.

3. “Ramzie, advocating crime against humanity”… US professors rebutted

American historians continue to “refute” the claim of Harvard Professor Mark Ramsey, who claimed that the victims of comfort women were “prostitutes.” On the 19th local time, Professor Alexis Durdon of the University of Connecticut said he had sent a refutation to a journal that contained Professor Ramsey’s thesis. In a refutation, Professor Durden criticized Ramsey’s description of the comfort women issue as’contractual relations’ as “It is a shame to apply it to the history that Amnesty International has defined as’anti-human crimes’.”

4. Clean and warm, yellow sand inflow across the country… Gangwon region’strong wind caution’

Today, the first day of the weekend, the daytime temperature across the country rises by about 4 to 6 degrees from yesterday, showing a clear and cozy weather. However, strong winds with a maximum instantaneous wind speed of 38m blow in the vicinity of Misiryeong, Gangwon-do, and strong winds of 10 to 20m per second are blowing around the mountains of Gangwon and the east coast. In addition, yellow dust will occur in eastern Mongolia, leading to cloudy air in the metropolitan area, Chungcheong-do, and Yeongseo, Gangwon-do.
