4300 Baemin employees, riders, and irregular workers, up to 50 million won from Chairman Kim Bong-jin

Input 2021.03.11 09:51

Food delivery mobile application (app) 4,300 employees of the ethnic group of delivery, delivery riders, and non-regular employees receive 100 billion won worth of stock and encouragement from the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Graceful Brothers Kim Bong-jin. The maximum amount paid per person is 50 million won.

Bong-jin Kim Founder of Graceful Brothers and Chairman of the Board of Directors. / Reporter Jang Ryeon-seong

According to the elegant brothers on the 11th, in a message to employees and riders, Chairman Kim announced that he would contribute 100 billion won worth of shares in German delivery heroes to provide stocks and incentives to employees, riders, and irregular employees of B Mart.

Chairman Kim said, “Before advancing to Asia and taking a bigger challenge, I would like to deliver a personal gift with gratitude for your hard work.” Chairman Kim is leaving for Singapore this month to establish Uah DH Asia, the Asian business headquarters of Delivery Hero, Germany, which acquired elegant brothers in 2019.

Chairman Kim will donate stocks worth 20 million to 50 million won per person to 1,700 employees of elegant brothers, depending on the length of service. Elegant brothers, elegant youth, and all employees of overseas subsidiaries in Japan and Vietnam are the targets. Stocks are paid after 3 years, even if you leave before the payment period.

400 delivery riders who are not employees are given shares worth 2 to 5 million won per person. This target is for riders who maintain a contract for more than one year and deliver more than 20 cases per day for more than 200 days a year.

Even if they haven’t worked for more than one year, 1,390 riders who have delivered over a certain number of times will receive an encouragement of 1 million won per person. B Mart’s warehouse employees and 380 fixed-term employees who are non-regular workers will also be provided with an incentive amount of 1 million to 1.5 million won, depending on the number of years of service per person.

Chairman Kim became a hot topic last month when he revealed that he would return more than half of his wealth to society. He and his wife, Bomi Seol, were listed on The Giving Pledge in the U.S., where they need to donate more than one billion dollars or more than half of their fortune to society.
