4050, who only knew stocks, became the leading role in Bitcoin

It was found that the 40-50 generations are the big players that lead the’second boom’ of virtual currencies such as Bitcoin, which once soared to 60 million won. If the 20s and 30s led the fever in 2018, this time, the 40s and 50s with strong financial power and stock experience have emerged as major investors.

According to the results of an analysis of two major virtual asset exchanges, Upbit and Bithumb, by application (app) analysis company’Wise App’ on the 28th, the age group that accounted for the highest proportion of users at the end of January was in their 40s. The average of the two exchanges reached 30.3%. If 50 or older (21.35%) is added, 51.7% of the total is 40-50 households. That means about 1 in 2 people.

This is different from the bitcoin craze led by the 20th and 30th generation in 2017-2018. Looking at the results of WiseApp’s analysis of the top 10 virtual currency-related apps in 2018, 30s accounted for the highest percentage at 32.7%. If you add 10s (6.5%) and 20s (24%) to this, it reached 63.2% of the total.

The reason why the age group leading the virtual asset transaction has changed is the painful experiences of the 20th and 30th generations who suffered a’great crash’ at the time. The 20th and 30th generations, who started investing in cryptocurrency like Boo Moth from 2017 to 2018, suffered massive losses due to strong government regulations such as the real-name virtual asset transaction system. Bitcoin, which rose to 26 million won on January 7, 2018, once plunged to 3.5 million won. Another reason is that the 40s and 50s have increased their experience in investing in risky assets with stocks. It is to use the experience accumulated as’Donghak Ant’ in the liquidity market of Corona 19 for virtual asset investment. In the real virtual asset online community, you can find articles such as “parents ask for bitcoin investments” and “mothers invest small amounts in bitcoin”.

Kim Mo, a company in her 40s who manages hundreds of millions of won in stocks, also recently started investing in bitcoin. Mr. Kim said, “I started investing when I saw Tesla’s CEO and others invest in bitcoin,” he said.

Virtual asset app users have also exploded. Upbit and Bithumb users have nearly tripled from 71,577 users in the third week of November last year (November 16-22) to 21,14925 in just three months.

In addition, investors looked at the exchange’s app at least 65 times a day on average.

Meanwhile, Bitcoin, which has been on the rise, has recently increased volatility. According to Upbit, Bitcoin is 53.72 million won as of 10:20 am on the 28th. This is a 15.2% drop compared to the 63.3 million won that peaked on the 21st.

[이새하 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
