400,000 won reduction in heating costs…LG Hausys and KCC exaggerated advertisements

LG Hauis exaggerated advertisement [사진=공정거래위원회 제공

LG하우시스·KCC 등 5개 창호 제작·판매업체가 특정 거주환경에서만 도출 가능한 에너지 절감 시험 결과를 일반적인 것으로 광고하다 덜미가 잡혔다.  

공정거래위원회는 LG하우시스·KCC·현대L&C·이건창호·윈체 등 5개 창호 제작·판매업체가 창호제품의 에너지 절감 효과를 과장 광고한 행위에 시정 명령과 과징금 총 12억8300만원을 부과하기로 결정했다고 28일 밝혔다.

창호는 일반적으로 샷시(sash)라고 불리는 창틀과 유리가 결합한 것을 의미한다. 창틀과 유리의 성능이 결합해 창호 전체의 성능을 결정한다.

공정위 조사 결과에 따르면, 이들 5개 업체는 창호제품의 에너지 절감 효과를 광고하면서 ‘연간 약 40만원의 냉난방비 절감 효과’, ‘에너지 절감률 51.4%’, ‘연간 에너지 절감액 약 170만원’ 등 구체적인 수치를 강조했다.

이 같은 에너지 절감 효과는 24시간 사람이 상주하며 냉난방을 가동했거나 △실내온도 24℃ 또는 25℃ △중부·남부 등 지역 △남향·북향 등 건물의 향 △최상층·중간층 여부 등 특정 조건을 충족해야 가능한 것이었다.

그런데도 시험 조건과 다른 상황에서는 이런 절감 효과가 나타나지 않을 수 있다는 내용은 알리지 않았다. 기재하더라도 ’30평 주거용 건물 기준’, ‘사용자 거주 환경에 따라 달라질 수 있습니다’, ‘최상층 제외’ 등처럼 형식적인 제한사항에 그쳤다.

공정위는 5개 창호 제작·판매사가 특정 조건을 설정해 산출한 에너지 절감률, 냉난방비 절약 결과가 마치 일반적 실생활에서도 충분히 구현되는 것처럼 부풀려 광고한 행위에 대해 과장성을 인정했다.


5개 사업자별 광고의 과장성 (예시) [자료=공정위 제공]

The five companies claimed that the simulation results they submitted could adequately verify the content of the advertisement, but the committee concluded that they advertised by inflating the test results of the empirical data.

Currently, there is no standardized standard for how to measure the energy and cost savings of windows. Therefore, it is not a problem for a business operator to simulate a specific living environment and use the result for advertisements. Instead, it should provide enough relevant information, such as how different the simulation situation and the actual living environment are. The problem was that five companies overlooked this.

“Because of the restriction marking, consumers can fully enjoy the energy saving effect advertised by the five companies if they do not meet the exception conditions such as’first floor’ and’the top left and right generations’,” said Moon Jong-sook, head of the Consumer Safety Information Division of the Fair Trade Commission. There is a risk of misunderstanding.

Manager Moon added, “Consumers have no choice but to rely on the information presented by business operators because it is difficult to know the specific energy saving effects of window products.

Some companies insisted that consumers mainly consider brands, not energy savings, when purchasing windows, but this was also not accepted. The FTC determined that the reduction of heating and cooling costs and energy savings were important factors influencing which window products consumers would purchase.

Accordingly, the Fair Trade Commission ordered five business operators to prohibit future actions, along with △LG Hausys 710 million won △KCC 228 million won, △Hyundai L&C 225 million won △Lee Kun Changho 180 million won △Winche 32 million won respectively Imposed.

Manager Moon said, “This measure is significant in that it has verified and sanctioned exaggerated advertising activities such as energy cost reduction, which is a field where it is difficult for consumers to verify that the actual effect is exerted according to the content of the advertisement because the asymmetry of information is large and professional.” said.
