“4 million Russians get Sputnik V vaccine”

It is known that about 4 million people in Russia have been vaccinated with Sputnik V, the COVID-19 vaccine developed by their country.

According to the local time today (26th), the infectious disease expert Nikolay Brico, from the local Ministry of Health, attended an academic conference related to Corona 19 today and explained the vaccination situation in his country.

According to Nikolai Brico’s announcement, 3.9 million people vaccinated Sputnik V as of the last 10 days, and since then, a total of 4 million people including additional vaccinators have been identified.

These appear to be statistics based on the first vaccination of the vaccine twice.

Moscow City Health Department says that to this day, about 600,000 citizens have been vaccinated against Sputnik V.

Russia began vaccinations for the general population starting from the capital Moscow in early December last year, and expanded the vaccination area across the country from the middle of the same month.

Initially, the vaccination was started from high-risk groups such as medical staff, teachers, and workers in public institutions, and the target was expanded.

Meanwhile, to date, the number of countries that have approved emergency use of the Sputnik V vaccine has increased to about 40 countries.

After yesterday’s 37th approval of the vaccine by Guatemala in Central America, Eastern Europe’s Moldova and Vietnam were added to the list of approved countries today.

Russia is also struggling to provide the Sputnik V vaccine to Europe.

The European Medicines Agency is pursuing a vaccine approval process through the EMA, while negotiating with individual EU countries.

President Vladimir Putin talked today with Austrian Prime Minister Sebastian Kurz on the phone to discuss issues with Austrian supply of Sputnik V vaccine and local production, the Kremlin said.

(Photo = Getty Image Korea)
