356 new confirmed, 13 in Incheon, 139 in Gyeonggi… 2 weeks extension of social distancing

Local occurrence 334 people, overseas inflow 22 people… Cumulative 89,000,676, total 1,603 deaths
Gyeonggi 142-Seoul 120-Gwangju 14-Incheon 13-Chungbuk 10-Chungnam and Jeonbuk 7 each
Yesterday, 21,791 tests per day, significantly reduced from the previous weekday… Positive rate 1.63%

▲ Pfizer vaccine is waiting for thawing at room temperature in the inoculation room of the Central Vaccination Center at the National Medical Center in Jung-gu, Seoul on the morning of the 27th when the Pfizer vaccination for corona 19 patients treatment medical staff began. /Photographing Foundation

The number of new coronavirus infections in Korea (Corona 19) on the 28th recorded 356.

The number of people decreased by close to 60 from the previous day, and fell below 400 again two days after the 26th (390).

However, the decrease in the number of new confirmed cases on this day was also affected by a sharp decrease in the number of tests on weekends compared to weekdays, so it is difficult to conclude that the spreading trend has declined.

In fact, the aftermath of group infections that occurred in large hospitals and manufacturers is continuing, and sporadic group outbreaks involving workplaces and meetings are also emerging one after another, making it unsafe.

The government banned the current’social distancing’ (Seoul Metropolitan Area Phase 2, Non-Metropolitan Area Phase 1.5) and banning private gatherings of 5 or more people, excluding immediate family members, so that vaccinations on the third day of this day and school classes for the new semester of elementary, middle and high schools nationwide can be carried out smoothly. Was extended by two more weeks until the 14th of next month.

▲ Photos from Yonhap News

◇ Out of 334 local residents, 269 in the metropolitan area-65 in the non-metropolitan area 80.5% in the metropolitan area

The Central Defense Response Headquarters announced that as of 0 o’clock on the day, the number of new corona19 confirmed cases increased by 356, accumulating 89,000,676.

It was 59 fewer than the previous day (415).

In the last week (2.22~28), the number of new confirmed cases per day recorded 332 → 356 → 440 → 395 (adjusted from 396) → 390 (adjusted from 406) → 415 → 356 did. During this period, there were 5 for 300 people and 2 for 400 people.

Looking at the path of infection of the new confirmed patients on this day, 334 local outbreaks and 22 foreign inflows.

The number of confirmed cases of local outbreaks decreased by 71 from the previous day (405), representing 300.

In the area where there were confirmed local outbreaks, 269 people in the metropolitan area, including 139 people in Gyeonggi Province, 117 people in Seoul, and 13 people in Incheon, accounted for 80.5% of the total local outbreaks.

Non-capital area: Gwangju 14, Chungbuk 10, Jeonbuk 7, Sejong 6, Daegu and Ulsan 5 each, Busan and Chungnam 4 each, Gangwon and Gyeongbuk each 3, Gyeongnam 2, Daejeon and Jeju 1 Etc. A total of 65 people.

In the case of major new group infections, 14 employees were confirmed at a textile manufacturer in Yangju, Gyeonggi Province, and 11 employees and 1 family member were positive at a furniture manufacturer in Gwangju, Gyeonggi Province.

At a recycling company in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi Province, 12 employees and 1 family member were confirmed.

In addition, the scale of existing group infection cases such as the Seoul Hospital of Soonchunhyang University in Yongsan-gu, Seoul (cumulative 257 people) and the Kiturami boiler manufacturing plant (198 people) in Asan-si, Chungcheongnam-do are also increasing.

▲ The Central Defense Response Headquarters announced that as of 0 o’clock on the 28th, the number of new corona19 confirmed cases increased by 356, accumulating 89,000,676. /Source = Yonhap News

◇ Reduced by 7 patients with severe gastric disorders, total 135 people… 16 cities and provinces nationwide confirmed

The number of confirmed overseas inflows was 22, up 12 from the previous day (10).

Nine of the confirmed cases were confirmed during quarantine at the airport or port. The remaining 13 were tested positive during self-isolation at residential or temporary living facilities in Seoul, Gyeonggi, Chungnam (3 each), Busan, Daegu, Gangwon, and Gyeongbuk (1 each).

When local outbreaks and foreign inflows (excluding quarantine) are combined, there are 275 people in the metropolitan area, including 142 people in Gyeonggi, 120 people in Seoul, and 13 people in Incheon. Nationally, new confirmed cases came out in 16 provinces excluding Jeonnam.

Meanwhile, the number of deaths increased by eight from the previous day to 1,603 cumulatively. The average fatality rate in Korea is 1.79%.

A total of 135 patients with severe gastric disorders, 7 fewer than the previous day.

The number of examinations through the screening clinic the day before was 21,791, which is 15,358 fewer than 37,000,149 the day before.

The positive rate, calculated as compared to the number of tests the previous day, was 1.63% (356 out of 21,791), up from 1.12% (415 out of 37,000,149) on the previous day. As of 0 o’clock on this day, the cumulative positive rate was 1.35% (89,676 out of 66,66,000).

Meanwhile, Bang Dae-bon excluded one of the number of confirmed cases in Korea as of 0 o’clock on the 25th, as the case of Oingo in Daegu was confirmed late.

/ Reporter Kim Do-hyun [email protected]

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