35-year-old’Super Mario’ game cartridge sold for 700 million won

The unopened Nintendo Super Mario game cartridge, 35 years after it was sold, was auctioned off at a whopping $660,000 ($740 million), the highest price ever for a video game, CNN Business reported.

▲ Nintendo’Super Mario Bros.’ game cartridge sold at the highest price ever in video game auctions.

Heritage Auction, which held this auction on the 4th (local time), explained that the game cartridge was purchased by the seller as a Christmas present in 1986, but it was kept intact until it was discovered earlier this year.

The seller said, “It’s been on the bottom of my office desk from the day I bought it.”

This game cartridge received a 9.6/A+ rating from Watta Games and was rated in excellent condition.

This product is one of the plastic shrink wrap products sold in 1986, and since then, Nintendo changed its packaging method from early 1987, adding to its rarity as it was not sold relatively much.

The CNN Business reported that even before this product, there were video games that were often sold at high prices at auctions.

‘Mega Man’ cartridges produced in 1987 cost $144,000 (about 160 million won), and’Mike Tyson’s Punch-out!!’, made in the same year, cost $102,000 (about 110 million won). It was sold for 10,000 won).

‘Super Mario Bros.’ The product produced in 1985 was 114,000 dollars (about 130 million won) in July last year, and the’Super Mario Bros. 3’was 156,000 dollars (about 170 million won) in November of the same year. It has been sold for 10,000 won).


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