300 unauthorized schools nationwide like IEM International School…

Students and faculty members at IEM International School in Daejeon have been diagnosed with Corona 19, and students who will be transferred from this school to the Life Therapy Center are moving by vehicle on the afternoon of the 25th. News 1

With the outbreak of a new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) group infection at IEM International School in Daejeon, there are concerns that an unauthorized alternative school, which has been missing from the target of quarantine management, may become a new primer for the spread of infection.

On the 25th, an official from the Ministry of Education said, “It is an institution that has not been legally authorized or notified by the Office of Education, so it cannot fall within the scope of supervision (by the education authority).” “(Regarding unauthorized facilities), local governments, It is true that the violation of education-related ordinances is in a complex blind spot that the Office of Education is in charge of.” The Daejeon City Office of Education said, “The supervisor is a local government task after the IEM International School group infection was known.” “As a group infection occurred in an unauthorized facility using the school name, it plans to conduct a thorough investigation through the relevant department when a request for cooperation comes from Daejeon ”

The problem is that the number of unauthorized alternative education facilities nationwide is around 300, which is 6.5 times the number of approved alternative schools (46). An official from the provincial office of education said, “In the case of unauthorized facilities, especially those of religious organizations (even before Corona 19), the on-site backlash was severe and it was impossible to properly inspect them. It will be effective only if there is a compulsory right.”

In the case of an approved alternative school, it is supervised in accordance with the school quarantine standards. School density is applied at each stage of distance, but most of them are small schools with less than 300 students, so students can attend school every day even at stage 2.5. The dormitory was allowed to use only one-third in step 2.5, in line with observing the quarantine guidelines, such as using a single room for one person and checking for heat in the morning and evening. However, it was not easy to identify facilities for unauthorized facilities. An official from the Ministry of Education said, “(After the Corona 19 incident), we forwarded the quarantine guidelines for alternative schools to organizations related to alternative education and requested cooperation from unauthorized facilities.”

At Daejeon IEM International School, where more than 120 confirmed cases were found, 7-20 students were assigned to each dormitory room to live together, some floors shared shower facilities and toilets, and the basement restaurant did not have partitions for seats. .

When the outbreak of mass infection occurred, the authorities began to take action. An official from the Ministry of Education said, “We are discussing measures with the quarantine authorities and local governments.”

Yunjoo Lee reporter
