“30 million won to 800 million won” every year 100% secret of super ants

[머니콕] The KOSPI, which had risen without hesitation, has been fluctuating from the beginning of the 3000 line. Foreigners and institutions alternately buy and sell according to the overseas market atmosphere, as in the past boxed stock market, and Donghak ants’ buying craze has cooled somewhat after the KOSPI 3000 collapsed at the end of January. This means that individuals’ concerns have grown. In the case of last year, the evaluation that the Donghak ant movement was successful is dominant, but this year, ants in the adjustment phase, especially 2030 generations, who invest’forever’ with salary or credit loans, are concerned that if they make a mistake this year.

Maeil Business Daily Moneycock met with his pseudonym “Sand Tiger Shark (real name Park Min-su),” a super ant worker, and heard the basic knowledge and approaches related to stocks that novice investors must know. He is the author of the best-selling stock introductory book’Completing 5 Days of Stock Study Beginning at the Age of 40′, and recently appeared in succession in’Shinsaimdang’,’Kimjakga TV’ and’M Dromeda’, acting as a mentor for Jurin.

Sand Tiger Shark, whose investment was 30 million won after the 2008 financial crisis, was called 800 million won in 7 years, focuses on analyzing the stocks to be invested in order for individuals to succeed in stock investment, and minimizes trading to once or twice a month. Pointed out that there is a need. He advised that if a stock was carefully considered and invested, do not water up to minus 10%, and to purchase additional purchases by dividing it in three predetermined intervals (-15%, -30%, -45%). As promising stocks that are notable this year, stocks related to semiconductors, electric vehicles, China, and CMO (consigned raw material drug production) were selected.

The following is the full text of the interview.

Do not water up to minus 10%

Q. What is the secret of making 800 million won in 7 years with 30 million won?

A. The secret to my success was to constantly look at the Maeil Business Daily and pick the best three articles a day. I analyzed stocks while looking at articles related to performance improvement among several articles. Sometimes I thought about a week. The keyword to worry about is’What is the negative factor?”Wouldn’t I lose money by buying this item?’ If I was worried about that and chose an investment item, I would not make a stop loss. I carry out an additional buying strategy in the loss range that I set in advance. Initially, only 30-50% of the target investment amount per stock is bought first. And when a loss is incurred, additional purchases are made. No additional purchases up to minus 10%. If you buy more from the beginning, you won’t have enough money to buy later when the real stock falls further. I set the principle myself and divide the additional purchases at -15%, -30%, and -45%. Sell ​​is also divided into two. If you sell them all at once and then go up more, you will be hurt and you will have to buy them again.

And it’s important to make an effort to have a reasonable reason. In order to determine if the investment is reasonable, it is important whether you can persuade me or my wife. My experience tells me that if my wife, who is an outsider, is persuaded, it is a very attractive investment. For male investors, it would be a good idea to try persuading your wife at home first.

Q. What is the stock with the most profits so far?

A. I don’t have a very high return per stock. Basically, there aren’t many stocks that have doubled or tripled their profits compared to the number of purchases because they make 20-30% profits by choosing safe stocks and trading once or twice a quarter. Since each item makes 20~30% profit per quarter, it is about 100% annual profit. The investment principal is 60 million won because the company has an amount limit. Usually, investments are made by dividing into 3 stocks.

All-in on stock analysis and trading only once a month

Q. I heard that you only trade 10 times a year. Is it the secret to high profits that you do not trade often?

A. I usually try to analyze stocks and search for news. Then, when you find a stock that is more attractive than the stock you have, you trade it about once a month. The criteria I choose are companies that are undervalued based on future share price-earnings ratio (PER) and market price dividend ratio. If it is an 8x company based on the future PER, we will buy it and wait up to 10x. Stock investing is the aesthetic of waiting. Buy at 8% based on the market price dividend and wait until it reaches 6%.

Q. In the recent surge, it would be important to keep a good timing to sell.

A. In the case of last year, when the economy was bad, governments released money to boost the economy, and abundant liquidity caused stock prices to rise. This year, due to concerns over inflation and interest rate hikes, it remains to be seen whether the government can release money as the second half of the year goes on. In the second half of the year, there is a high possibility that the financial market will be tight this year. I believe that companies that improve their performance may have more stock prices going forward. Focusing on earnings improvement and growth stocks, this year should be compressed. If you take a company with a market dividend of 7-8% at the beginning of the year, you will be able to see a return of about 20-30% by the end of the year. Beginners invest mainly in dividend stocks and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and I think it is a good way to buy more when adjusting the stock price while holding a certain amount of cash. It is good to bring about 30% cash with you in the KOSPI 3000 era.

Sand Tiger Shark appeared on YouTube channel'M Dromeda' / Source = M Dromeda screen capture

▲ Sand Tiger Shark appeared on YouTube channel’M Dromeda’ / Source = M Dromeda screen capture

Pay attention to stocks related to semiconductors, electric vehicles, China and CMO

Q. In your book, you suggested 7 promising industries this year. What do you have.

A. First of all, we recommend the semiconductor industry. The semiconductor industry has a cycle, and now is the time for new equipment investment. In the case of semiconductors, there was once a supercycle from 2017 to 2018, and another cycle is being talked about this year and next year. The construction of 5G infrastructure, which was not possible due to Corona 19, is likely to be confirmed this year, and demand for cloud and PCs is increasing, and the government is pushing companies (materials, parts, equipment). As large-cap stocks such as Samsung Electronics, SK Hynix, and DB Hi-Tek are attracted, the market may be followed by small managers. Samsung Electronics can also look at high dividend payouts. Beginner investors are advised to approach ETFs if it is difficult to select individual stocks. There are two types: KODEX semiconductor and TIGER semiconductor. What is curious is that Samsung Electronics is not included in the semiconductor ETF. This is because Samsung Electronics is classified as IT. If you focus on SK Hynix and small manager stocks, semiconductor ETFs are good. Samsung Electronics can invest in IT ETFs or Samsung Group stock ETFs.

The second is an electric car. By 2030, the UK and France will no longer sell gasoline and diesel cars. It is the end of the internal combustion engine car. Korea and China will no longer sell internal combustion engine cars in 2035, and California, the United States, will no longer sell internal combustion engines in 2035. In 10 years, the mobility industry will completely change. About 70 million cars are sold a year, and about 3 million electric cars were sold last year. The market penetration rate is around 4%, so it is only in its infancy. By 2030, the market penetration rate is expected to grow to 50%. Then, it will grow 11 to 12 times more than now. By 2023, it is expected that 10 million electric vehicles will be sold. It is said that electric vehicles and secondary batteries are overheated now, but if you look at it for a long time, it is still in its infancy. Since electric vehicles are a growing industry, competition will be very fierce. Volkswagen, Toyota and Hyundai Motors are aggressively entering the electric car market that was dominated by Tesla. Beginners are advised to approach ETFs as there may be companies that are culled. There are four ETFs related to secondary batteries in Korea (KODEX secondary battery industry, TIGER secondary battery theme, TIGER KRX secondary battery K-New Deal, TIGER China Electric Vehicle SOLACTIVE).

I also think positively about the Chinese economic recovery. China is the only country with positive economic growth last year. There are many forecasts that the growth rate will be 2.3% last year and 8-9% this year. As the Chinese economy recovers, Chinese stocks also need to pay attention. Cosmetics and game stocks can also face positive momentum in line with the Chinese economic recovery. Since China is expected to trigger the construction industry, Doosan Infracore and others deserve a long look.

Lastly, I think the CMO stocks are also good. These are companies that can consign vaccine production. SK Bioscience, a consignment producer of AstraZeneca NovaVax, is scheduled to be listed in the first half of this year. SK Chemicals, the parent company of SK Bioscience, can also benefit from reflection. How about watching Samsung Biologics and others with interest in a long breath?

[최재원 기자]

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