‘3 billion stocks rich’ Jeon Joon-joo “The yield rate of 600%, the secret of investment… ”

[이데일리 장구슬 기자] In the first episode of Chapter 3 of’Ant is Toon Today’, Jeon Won-joo of’Queen Ant’ appeared as a special guest, expressing laughter with exceptional investment know-how.

(Photo = Kakao M’s’Ant is Toon Today’ broadcast screen capture)

Kakao M, aired on the 24th, appeared in the first episode of Chapter 3 of’Ant Is Tonight’.

An actor who shines with 35 years of experience in stock investment, Jeon Joon-joo has an asset of 3 billion won with a wise stock investment and a thorough saving spirit, and has recently been attracting high attention among the younger generation as a hidden master of financial technology, such as publishing two books related to stocks. It is the main character.

He appeared in’Ant is Toon Today’ to reorganize the mentality of four ants who are urgently prescribed, such as Noh Hong-cheol of’Erythema Honey Magic’,’Danta Beast’ Din Dein,’Grandfather Kim Jong-min of’Eastern Investment’, and Newborn Miju of stock.

On this day, power stocks drew attention by revealing the story of financial technology from the moment when they started stocks to becoming’queen ants’.

The story of Jeon Won-ju, a living witness of the history of Korean stocks, tells the story of how I realized the importance of money during the war as a child, and how I traded stocks in an analog way when I didn’t have a smartphone. She shouted and showed respect.

In particular, Jeon-Jeon-ju caused admiration by revealing that it has achieved a whopping 600% of the company’s stocks for more than 10 years, and a whopping 600% of the company’s stocks that appear in their related search terms have been achieved. In addition, he made it impossible for him to take his eyes off his eyes by revealing his own unique secrets, including an excellent eye for making investment decisions and the secret to holding a reliable stock for a long time.

Jeon Won-ju drew attention by introducing the spirit of economy. He recommends home training as a tip to save heating costs and saves water even in public baths. He introduced a history of bargaining for accommodation costs in the provinces where he visited on schedule, and opened the mouth of the cast members.

In addition, the power stock gave laughter with the stock talk of ‘3 combo’, from stock quotes to stock appreciation and stock quiz show. During the conversation, he made a relay of quotes from deep thoughts such as’Don’t like luxury goods, people become luxury goods’ and’When you get older, open the money zipper and close the mouth zipper’. He surprised everyone by accurately interpreting the contemplation.
