2895 votes in favor, 0 votes against… Hong Kong democratic election disappeared

At the closing ceremony of the NPC on the 11th, the Hong Kong electoral reform bill was passed with an overwhelming margin of 2895 votes in favor, 0 votes and 1 abstention.  The election results are shown on the electronic board of the Beijing People's Congress. [AFP=연합뉴스]

At the closing ceremony of the NPC on the 11th, the Hong Kong electoral reform bill was passed with an overwhelming margin of 2895 votes in favor, 0 votes and 1 abstention. The election results are shown on the electronic board of the Beijing People’s Congress. [AFP=연합뉴스]

This year’s National People’s Congress (Non-in University), a regular parliamentary meeting in China, closed on the 11th after passing the “decision on the Hong Kong election system” with an overwhelming margin of 2895 votes in favor, 0 votes against, and 1 abstention.

China’s NPC handles all opposition to the reorganization of the Hong Kong election system
Candidate qualification screening committee established… Block running for dissidents
Revision of the NPC Organization Act… Announcement of the new military second

At the closing ceremony, held with 2,896 of the 2953 representatives of the NPC, three draft decisions, including the reorganization of the Hong Kong election system, the NPC organization law and operating rules, and reports of government work, the 14th Five-Year Plan, and the enforcement of long-term goals in 2035 The vote passed.
The Hong Kong electoral reform bill passed that day virtually banned the running of’dissidents’ who resisted China in the elections for the Hong Kong executive minister and the legislative assembly, which is a parliamentary legislative body for five years. Under the principle of “Patriots Rule Hong Kong”, it is evaluated that the principle of Hong Kong rule by Hong Kong people promised at the time of return to Hong Kong in 1997 was abolished.
The’decision’ made up of a total of nine articles expanded the number of electoral committee members who elected the Hong Kong administrative minister as a trunk system from 1200 to 1,500. In addition, a candidate qualification screening committee was established to pre-screen the qualifications of candidates for the election of the executive minister’s election committee, candidates for executive ministers, and candidates for legislative meetings. As a result, it was possible to prevent anti-government officials or those critical of the Chinese government from running.

From return to Hong Kong to reform of the Hong Kong election system.  Graphic = Reporter Kim Young-ok yesok@joongang.co.kr

From return to Hong Kong to reform of the Hong Kong election system. Graphic = Reporter Kim Young-ok [email protected]

At the opening ceremony of the NPC on the 5th, Wang Cheon, vice chairman of Jeonin University, glorified the reorganization of the election system as’a new democratic electoral system featuring Hong Kong’s characteristics.

Jeon In-dae Chairman Rhee Jansu (栗戰書), at the closing speech on the day, said, “The high approval votes showed a resolute determination to protect the national sovereignty, security, and development interests and to protect the constitutional order of Hong Kong” It was self-explanatory. However, with this reorganization, the dream of a direct system of administrative ministers, which Hong Kong citizens have been demanding, disappears, and criticism comes out of “erasing democracy,” which restricts suffrage.

Meanwhile, at the closing ceremony that day, two decisions to adjust the NPC authority were also passed. The amendment to the NPC Organization Act stipulated that “the NPC standing committee during the closing period of the NPC may decide the appointment and dismissal of the State Council and the central military committee’other members’ at the recommendation of the Prime Minister of the State Council or the Chairman of the Central Military Commission.” This has adjusted the appointment and dismissal of top-notch personnel at the level of the vice-prime prime minister or higher by the executive committee held every two months at the plenary meetings held in March every year. Accordingly, the Hong Kong Myungbo reported on the 11th that it implies the emergence of a new vice-premier or vice-chairman of the military committee before the 20th Party Congress, which will decide whether President Xi Jinping will serve as general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party next fall.

Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang (李克强) said at a press conference at the closing of the NPC on the same day, “The NPC has just decided to complete the Hong Kong election system.” This is a measure to ensure that the principle and high-level autonomy policy can be stably maintained for a long time.” Regarding the Taiwan issue, “the principle of “one China” remains unchanged, supports peaceful bilateral relations and national reunification, and opposes interference from any outside forces.” I will make it so that I can enjoy it.”

Regarding the possibility of restoring US-China relations following the inauguration of the Biden administration, Prime Minister Lee said, “The two countries will benefit from joining forces as the world’s largest developing and developed countries, and fighting will hurt each other.” Said.

Beijing = correspondent Shin Kyungjin [email protected]
