“27 ads, receive up to 15 million won”… Hotdog TV admits suspicion of back advertisement

[이데일리 김민정 기자] Hotdog TV, a YouTube channel with 1.16 million subscribers, was engulfed in controversy over’back advertisements’ and acknowledged this and apologized to the subscribers.

On the 9th, Hot Dog TV was’Hello With the title of “It is a hot dog TV”, “I am desperate and feel responsible. “I’m sorry,” he revealed the advertisement details.

(Photo = Hot Dog TV YouTube channel capture)

Hot Dog TV stands for an entertainment channel and uses empathy, humor, eating, and sitcom videos as its main contents. In particular, when the controversy over advertising behind YouTubers broke out due to the exposure of Cham PD last year, Hot Dog TV made a remark that “the company was in the red because we did not receive advertisements”.

On this day, Hot Dog TV explained, “A total of 27 advertisements have been conducted since the company was founded, and although it varies depending on the period, approximately 3 million to 15 million won per case has been received.”

According to Hot Dog TV, △2 in 2018, △11 in 2019, △12 in 2020, etc., of which 5 were omitted and 1 was carried out as a back advertisement. However, it has not yet been revealed whether the five missing marks are simple mistakes or intentional missing marks.

Hotdog TV said, “We exercised a good influence by saying,’We have nothing to do with back advertisements,’ while standing upright, but we were no different.” I said.

He then said, “I will look back on the days that have been running up to this point, and think about whether there is anything short, and to strengthen my inner sense.” “I will ponder and ponder how it is appropriate to reflect.”
