238 civic groups’condemn the slaughter of citizens of the Myanmar military’

“The Myanmar military and Korean business relations need to be liquidated”

A meeting of Korean civil society organizations held a press conference in front of the Sejong Center for the Performing Arts at 11 am on the 3rd, condemning the Myanmar military and calling for responsible South Korean actions.

238 city council groups condemned the killings of the Myanmar military on Sunday and called for the South Korean government to stop exporting weapons.

‘Korean Civil Society Organizations Supporting Democracy in Myanmar’ held a press conference in front of the Gwanghwamun Sejong Center for the Participation on the 3rd. The government’s immediate follow-up measures must follow,” he said. “The Korean government and the National Assembly should start working on concrete measures immediately, including the issue of investment in Korean companies linked to the Myanmar military.”

They said, “The economic foundation of the military has been strengthened due to business activities that have established business relationships with military companies in Myanmar, and today democracy and human rights are being trampled. “You have to make every effort to close the business relationship.” “We export tear gas overseas, which is no longer used in suppressing protests in Korea,” he said. “We should not export weapons in line with the key stance of the new southern policy that the Moon Jae-in administration says.

According to the Office of the Supreme Human Rights Office of the United Nations, on the 28th of last month, at least 18 people were killed, 30 people were injured, and about 1,000 people were arrested in the firing of the military and police in Myanmar.

/ Reporter Gu Amo [email protected], reporter Han Min-gu [email protected]

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