22 people confirmed at Songsan Nursing Home in Jung-gu, Busan… One after another confirmed patients in existing hospitals (general)

Corona 19 preemptive inspection

picture explanationCorona 19 preemptive inspection

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When group infections occurred simultaneously in a nursing facility in Busan, an emergency occurred to the quarantine authorities.

The city of Busan said that 8 people in the afternoon of the 11th and 26 people in the morning of the 12th were positive for the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19), and the cumulative number of confirmed cases increased to 2,998.

As a result of the preliminary examination for workers in nursing homes, 22 confirmed cases occurred in Songsan Nursing Home in Jung-gu.

On the afternoon of the previous day, four employees were confirmed as confirmed, and as a result of a full examination, one employee and 17 residents received additional positive tests.

In a nursing facility in Yeongdo-gu, one employee was confirmed by a preemptive inspection and is currently undergoing an epidemiological investigation.

The test results for the rest of the staff and residents are all negative, but one family member of the confirmed person has been confirmed.

In the existing hospitals where the confirmed cases came out, additional confirmed cases continued.

On the 4th, at Good Healing Hospital in Daecheong-ro, Jung-gu, where the first confirmed person was found, one additional patient was confirmed.

As a result, 25 confirmed patients, including 11 patients, 5 staff, 5 caregivers, and 4 contacts, were found in the hospital in the same group (cohort) quarantine.

One employee who was self-isolating at Bugok Nursing Hospital in Geumjeong-gu, which had 94 confirmed cases since the 24th of last month, was tested positive.

An additional confirmed person was also found at Gijang Hospital, where a patient (No. 2866), who was admitted to the Haeundae-gu Relief Elderly Nursing Home, fell in bed before being confirmed, and received treatment.

Two additional self-quarantine employees were confirmed to be confirmed, and the total number of confirmed cases here increased to 13.

Bugok Nursing Hospital

picture explanationBugok Nursing Hospital

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Infection between family and acquaintances also continued.

One was confirmed by the Busan Port Transport Union, and the other was confirmed by contacting the existing confirmed person.

Two confirmed cases were also found in a temporary screening clinic set up to discover hidden confirmed cases.

The quarantine authorities are conducting an epidemiological investigation on three confirmed cases with unknown causes of infection, including these.

One person who entered Japan on the 10th was also confirmed.

Fortunately, there were no confirmed cases related to the bathroom.

In the case of Myeongcheon-tang in Jung-gu, where 15 confirmed cases, 86 contacts have been identified, and the quarantine authorities are currently undergoing full inspection.

In Dongnae-gu Geumho-tang, where 5 confirmed cases were found, 158 out of 212 were tested.

In addition, there were no confirmed cases related to Dongnae-gu academy in which 5 confirmed cases including students came out the day before.

Of the 184 contacts in this regard, 176 are currently being tested, the quarantine authorities said.

Currently, 17 patients with severe gastric disorders in Busan.

One person died in the afternoon of the 11th and one in the morning of the 12th, and the death toll increased to 100.

Meanwhile, the quarantine authorities said that a person in her 50s who entered self-quarantine after contacting a confirmed patient was caught after going out for a campaign.

In addition, 50s who went out during self-quarantine for personal affairs were also caught.

The quarantine authorities are expected to accuse them of the infectious disease prevention method.

The city of Busan asked citizens to refrain from going out during the Lunar New Year holidays and observe the quarantine regulations.


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