2100 trillion won corona economic stimulus bill passed by the US Senate…1.58 million won in cash per adult

U.S. President Joe Biden (second from right) is holding a meeting on the Corona 19 economic stimulus plan worth $1.9 trillion in the State Dining Room of the White House on the 5th. Washington = Reuters Yonhap News

The US Senate passed a new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) economic stimulus bill worth $1.9 trillion (about 2,145 trillion won) on the 6th (local time). The bill is expected to come into effect after a re-voting in the House of Representatives on the 9th and the signature of US President Joe Biden before the 14th.

The US Senate held an overnight meeting starting on the 5th and voted on the Corona 19 support plan with 50 votes in favor and 49 votes against it. The Senate is divided into 50 seats from the Democratic Party (including independents) and 50 seats from the Republican Party. Each party voted according to the party’s arguments, with no exit votes. Republican Congressman Dan Sullivan was absent from the ballot due to the funeral of his father-in-law.

The support plan passed on this day includes cash payments of $1,400 per adult (approximately 1.58 million won) per adult in the U.S., additional payments of $300 per week for unemployment benefits by September 6, expansion of support for COVID-19 vaccine supply, vaccination and testing, and support for school normalization It includes. Cash payments are for American adults with an annual income of less than $80,000 (90,032 million won) or a combined income of less than $160,000 a year. However, a proposal to increase the federal minimum wage from $7.5 per hour to $15 per hour was excluded.

Vehicles are waiting for their turn around the Corona 19 vaccination center in Long Beach, California, USA on the 5th. Long Beach = AP Yonhap News

As the proposal passed by the House of Representatives on the 27th of last month was revised and passed, the proposal that passed the Senate on that day must be passed to the House of Representatives and re-determined. Democratic House Representative Steney Heuer announced in a statement that “The House of Representatives will vote on the bill on the 9th.” The House of Representatives has 221 seats from the Democratic Party and 211 seats from the Republican Party, and the Corona 19 economic stimulus plan is expected to pass smoothly. President Biden is reported to be signing on the 14th before the end of payment of unemployment benefits.

Immediately after the Senate vote, President Biden said, “The Senate passed the’US rescue plan’ and promised that help (for Americans) is coming when I took office, and today I have taken a big step toward fulfilling that promise.” President Biden insisted on large-scale fiscal input to overcome the Corona 19 economic crisis after winning the presidential election last year, and has actively persuaded the Republican Senate and House of Representatives when the Democratic Party proposed an economic stimulus plan worth $1.9 trillion.

Washington= Jeong Won Correspondent

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