21-year-old man suspected of’Colorado shooting’… Charges of first-degree murder


A suspect was identified in a grocery store in Colorado, USA, where 10 people were killed by shooting a firearm. I am a man in his early twenties. He was handed over to trial on charges of first-degree murder, but it is not yet known why he committed this crime.

Correspondent Hong Hee-jeong delivers.


The shooting time was on the afternoon of the 22nd local time.

[세상에. 여기 마켓 안에 사람이 쓰러졌어요. 여기 보세요. 탕]

A man went into the supermarket and fired a firearm.

The market, swamped with fear, quickly became a mess.

[현장 목격자 : 딸이 전해주길, 총을 든 남자가 앞에 있던 여자를 쐈다고 했어요. 급히 위층으로 올라가 코트 옷장에 한 시간 동안 숨어 있었대요.]

Even heavily armed special forces were deployed.

The suspect, arrested after hours of confrontation, was a 21-year-old man who purchased the AR-15 assault rifle six days before the shooting.

He was also heavily armed, wearing a tactical vest that could be inserted into a magazine, Reuters reported.

[메리스 헤롤드/볼더 경찰국장 : 용의자는 10건의 1급 살인 혐의로 기소되었습니다.]

A total of 10 people were killed, including one police officer.

All of them were ordinary citizens aged 20-65.

[마이클 도너티/볼더 카운티 검사 : 끔찍한 비극이자 악몽입니다. 희생자들은 평범한 하루를 마치고 쇼핑을 하러 온 사람들이었습니다.]

Police are investigating the suspect’s exact motive.

[재러드 폴리스/콜로라도 주지사 : 우리는 악한 행위를 저지른 것에 대한 법적인 책임을 강하게 물을 것입니다.]

President Joe Biden also said he was shocked by the shooting and urged the introduction of stricter gun regulations.

[조 바이든/미국 대통령 : 1시간은 커녕 1분도 더 기다릴 필요가 없습니다. 우리는 공격용 무기와 대용량 탄창을 금지할 수 있습니다.]
