[2020 SBS 연기대상] Nam Gung-min, Grand Prize winner “‘Stove League’ most perfect drama”

[매일경제 스타투데이 신영은 기자]

‘Stove League’ Nam Gung-min won the grand prize.

The ‘2020 SBS Drama Awards’ was broadcast live at 9 p.m. on the 31st. This awards ceremony, held as a special feature on the 30th anniversary of the founding of SBS, was performed by comedian Shin Dong-yeop and actor Kim Yu-jeong as MCs.

Nam Gung-min said, “I am so thankful.

In fact, SBS was the first place I took on a fixed role while playing extras or single roles since childhood. Thank you so much for giving me such a big prize,” he said.

“’Stove League’ is so precious to me. Everyone looked pretty.’Stove League’ seems to have been the most complete drama I’ve ever experienced.”

Nam Gung-min said, “At first, I was confused if I was playing baseball because it was a baseball drama. I read the script and met the writer, but I can’t forget that flickering look. I think I kept thinking of the character on my way home. Our drama is a very good drama. It worked, and he gave me a big reward.”

Next, Nam Gung-min said, “As I get older, I think about my surroundings. My family, my dear Jin-A-reum, I love you,” said Jin-A-reum, who is in public love.

Finally, “I wanted to win an award.

When I received the award, it was because there was something I wanted to say in an official position.” “When I am tired, lonely, wanting to cry, and in despair, when I look around, there are people who are closest to me. These are our staff. If it weren’t for you guys, I wouldn’t have been able to stand here. I hope you know how much I love, care for, and care for you.”

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[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
