[2020 10대 뉴스 – 전자·통신 (上)]The Korean economy is’wiggling’ in the Corona 19 pandemic…electronics and communications are’booming’ and others

【Youth Daily】 2020 was the year when the new coronavirus epidemic (hereinafter referred to as Corona 19) dominated the world. The Corona 19 pandemic has caused considerable difficulties not only in general life but also in the economy as a whole.

However, the electronics and telecommunications industries had contradictory results from other industries. It seems that the rapidly changing environment caused by the outbreak of Corona 19 was a boon. As home and remote work has become commonplace due to’social distancing’, related demand has soared.

Along with this, it was a year when investments in new technologies such as’AI semiconductors’ and heterogeneous smartphones were actively made. The three domestic mobile telecommunication companies started to enter into other businesses besides telecommunications, and the commercialization of the ‘5G mobile communication standalone mode’ (5G SA) and 28㎓ band, which is expected to take place within this year, has been delayed until next year.

◆ Corona 19 impact, semiconductor, home appliance, smartphone boom

As non-face-to-face (un-tact) activities became the main focus to curb Corona 19 infection, the semiconductor, home appliance, and smartphone divisions saw a significant increase in earnings.

In the case of semiconductors, orders for DRAM for servers have increased significantly, far exceeding expectations. In the home appliance and smartphone divisions, earnings rebounded in the second half as demand, which had been suppressed in the first half, surged.

As a result, Samsung Electronics achieved solid results in the first half and surpassed 66 trillion won in the third quarter, recording the highest quarterly sales. Operating profit also rose to 12.35 trillion won, the highest in the past two years. LG Electronics, whose main focus is on home appliances, also recorded record-high sales and operating profit in the third quarter.

◆’As the second DRAM’, full-scale development of AI semiconductors

Taking advantage of Korea’s strengths with the world’s best semiconductor manufacturing capabilities, the government and the industry started to develop artificial intelligence (AI) semiconductors in earnest. The goal is to become an AI and integrated semiconductor powerhouse by 2030.

AI semiconductor is the core brain of AI as a semiconductor that executes large-scale operations necessary for implementing AI services such as learning and inference with high performance and power efficiency. It is expected to occupy a third of the total system semiconductor market by 2030.

With the vision of’Achieving an AI and integrated semiconductor powerhouse by becoming a leading AI semiconductor nation’, by 2030 ▲ 20% global market share ▲ 20 innovative companies ▲ 2 strategies and 6 implementations to cultivate 3,000 high-end talents I prepared an assignment

In November, SK Telecom unveiled its own world-class AI semiconductor’Sapion X220′ for data centers. SK Telecom, which launched the AI ​​semiconductor brand’Sapion’, plans to expand the application of AI semiconductors in earnest from next year.

◆ Foldable phone, swivel phone, rollable phone… Variant Smartphone Competition

This year, the smartphone industry turned to various form factors (structured forms of products). Last year, we began to focus on developing different types of smartphones, such as’foldable phones’, which became a big issue in the industry as a whole,’swivel phones’ that rotate the screen, and’rollable phones’ that rotate the screen.

Samsung Electronics dominated 90% of the foldable phone market with’Galaxy Fold’,’Galaxy Z Flip’ and’Galaxy Z Fold 2′. In recent years, it has turned its attention to rollable phones and is trying to secure the No. 1 position in the smartphone market.

LG Electronics is focusing on developing a rollable phone following the’LG Wing’ that rotates the main screen horizontally. LG Electronics, which surprised the development of a rollable phone in September, announced that its release is imminent by releasing an emulator on the Android developer site recently.

As Chinese companies as well as Samsung and LG are actively developing foldable phones and rollable phones, the competition for variant smartphones is expected to intensify in 2021.

◆ 5G SA, 28㎓ commercialization postponed to next year

The commercialization of ‘5G SA’ and the 28㎓ band has been postponed until next year, while users have continued to point out 5G quality. The three telecom companies were preparing for commercialization within this year, but it was not finally achieved due to the occurrence of variables such as Corona 19.

The 28GHz band, which is capable of 20 times faster than LTE, is also expected to be difficult to commercialize. At a national audit held in October, Minister of Science, ICT and Future Planning, Choi Ki-young, said, “I do not think that it will service the 28 ㎓ frequency to all the people.”

Telecom companies are also in the position that 5G SA and 28㎓ should be applied to B2B first. Considering the propagation characteristics and technology method, it is judged that it is appropriate to use it for B2B specialized services in terms of speed, stability, and quality of experience.

◆ Three mobile communication companies, full-scale start-up

The three mobile telecommunications companies started to actively secure future growth engines as they achieved tangible results in other sectors besides the telecommunications business, which is the flagship this year.

SK Telecom has seen rapid growth in new businesses such as media, security, and commerce, and is actively working with global dinosaurs such as Amazon, Microsoft, and Uber Technology.

KT declared that it would change from a telecommunications company to a’digital platform company’. It accelerated innovation in various ways such as media and finance, and achieved results in AI call center, paperless, cloud, and blockchain in the B2B market.

LG U+ puts its power on smart home (IPTV + high-speed Internet), realistic content, and corporate business (B2B). IPTV revenue is expected to exceed 1 trillion won this year following last year, and as B2B projects, autonomous buses, smart logistics platforms, and advancement of safety management systems will be promoted.

【Youth Daily = Reporter Park Joon-young】
