2000 years ago, ancient Pompeyers also sold street food.

A eatery was unearthed on the 26th (local time) in the ruins of the ancient Roman city of Pompeii © Reuters = News 1

On the 26th (local time), CNN and others reported that a eatery serving street food was discovered 2,000 years ago in the ruins of the ancient Roman city of Pompeii.

According to the media, traces of hot food were found in pottery pots deep inside the restaurant counter. This restaurant was named Thermofolium, meaning’hot drink counter’ in Latin.

The front of the countertop was decorated with brightly colored frescoes, some of the paintings depicting a chicken and two ducks hanging upside down, which appear to be ingredients sold in the restaurant.

The restaurant also found a bronze drinking glass called Patera, a pottery jar, and wine flask, believed to have been used to cook stews and soups.

“This is a great discovery,” said Massimo Osana, manager of the Pompeii Archaeological Park.

Anthropologist Valia Amoreti explained, “In the ruins of this restaurant, traces of pork, beef, fish and snails were also found, which is evidence that a variety of animal foods were used in cooking.”

Pompeii, about 23 km southeast of Naples, was the most prosperous city in Rome, but in 47 AD, the Vesuvius eruption caused about 13,000 citizens to be buried alive with the city in volcanic ash.

Of the total area of ​​66 hectares (ha) of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Pompeii, only about two-thirds have been excavated so far. The remains were not discovered until the 16th century, but excavations began around 1750.

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