20 firefighters, 1 teenage girl, 130 times group rape… French Balcac

[사진출처 = AFP]

picture explanation[사진출처 = AFP]

Twenty firefighters serially assaulted a girl who was a teenager 10 years ago in France more than 130 times in two years, but only three were prosecuted for proving’force or violence’, which is controversial.

The Guardian reported on the 7th (local time) that French firefighters raped the teenage girl Julie (26) at the time, but only three people were prosecuted, and a Supreme Court ruling is scheduled on the 10th.

According to the Guardian, the incident dates back to 2008, when Julie was 13 years old. Julie was raped by firefighter Pierre, who helped her when she struggled with an anxiety attack.

Pierre got close to Julie by looking for a contact in her medical records and sending an apprehensive message to approach Julie.

Afterwards, he asked Julie to shoot the naked body, and when he responded, he gave his contact information to a colleague. In this way, he visited Julie’s house more than 130 times in two years and raped it to 20 firefighters.

My mother, who learned this fact only in July 2010, filed a complaint with the police.

The police immediately investigated, and two of them admitted that they had had “group sex” with Julie during business hours.

The court ordered the investigation of three firefighters charged with mass rape, and in July 2019, eight years later, they were charged with “consensual sexual intercourse with a youth under the age of 15” instead of “rape”.

However, no action was taken against the remaining 17 firefighters.

The three accused perpetrators claimed that they had sex by agreement with Julie, and the first trial judged that there was no direct evidence that there was’coercion or violent coercion’. The family appealed immediately, but the High Court dismissed it. In the process, Julie is known to have tried to make extreme choices.

Accordingly, local women’s groups are carrying out a large-scale demonstration to support Julie and call for prosecution of all firefighters ahead of the Supreme Court ruling.

[이상규 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
