2 trillion won credit loans for 2 weeks… Banks are shut down again

[한국금융신문 한아란 기자] Amid growing fears of overheating in debt (investing in stocks due to debt), there is a sign that the banknote’strengthening of credit loans’ will be rekindled. Some commercial banks are tightening their locks while reducing their credit limit as they have filled the limit of the monthly credit loan increase ordered by the financial authorities.

According to the banknote on the 18th, the credit balance of the five commercial banks of KB Kookmin, Shinhan, Hana, Woori and NH Nonghyup was totaled at 135,528.6 billion won as of the 14th. Compared to the end of last month (133,6482 billion won), it increased 1.88 trillion won in 9 business days. In two weeks, nearly 95% of the monthly credit loan increase ordered by the financial authorities in banknotes was exhausted.

The increase in credit loans has subsided somewhat in December as the financial authorities and banking sectors embarked on high-strength lending restrictions at the end of last year, but it is sharpening again in the new year as the latches are released. It is analyzed that the demand for stock investment funds and the demand for loans that were suppressed by the boom in the stock market are leading the surge in credit loans. Usually, at the beginning of the year, demand for credit loans declines due to seasonal effects such as bonuses.

Banknotes are raising the lending threshold again. Shinhan Bank has reduced the maximum credit limit for office workers since the 15th. The maximum limit for each case of credit loan products for workers, such as’Eliteron I·II’ and’Convenient Office Worker Loan SⅠ·II’, was lowered by 50 million won from 150 million to 200 million won to 100 to 150 million won, respectively. However, the maximum negative bank loan limit was maintained at the level of 100 million won.

Shinhan Bank is also raising the interest rate for some jeonse loans. Starting on the 19th, the maximum preferential interest rate for Shinhan Jeon’s loans guaranteed by Seoul Guarantee Insurance will be lowered by 0.1 percentage point from 0.7% to 0.6%. The highest preferential interest rates for Shinhan jeonse loans guaranteed by Korea Housing Finance Corporation and Shinhan jeonse loans guaranteed by Housing City Guarantee will also be reduced by 0.1 percentage point from 1.0% to 0.9%. This means that the interest rate for loans from households will increase by 0.1 percentage point.

An official at Shinhan Bank explained, “As the number of jeonse loans increased a lot at a lower interest rate than other banks, the trend was accelerated.” As a measure to regulate the speed of cheonsei loans, the interest rates of some products were changed. Starting with Shinhan Bank, other banks are expected to adjust the speed of credit loans by reducing the limit.

Financial authorities are concerned about the rush of loan funds. Do GyusangcloseDo GyusangCollect articles At the’Financial Risk Response Group’ meeting on the 12th, the Vice Chairman of the Financial Services Commission said, “There are concerns about investment in assets such as real estate using excessive leverage recently.” The banking sector asked for a special strengthening of management for difficult loans.” On the 11th, the Financial Supervisory Service held a video conference with executives in charge of loans from major banks and ordered total household loans management.

The financial authorities are also closely watching the move to open a large negative bankbook. Newly opened negative bankbooks this year have exceeded 20,000. There were 2,588 negative bankbooks newly opened by the five major banks until the 14th. The negative bank account balance also rose to 48.191.2 billion won, a surge of 1.66 trillion won compared to the end of last year.

Reporter Han Aran [email protected]

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