[2·4대책] Supply of 260,000 households to create new public housing sites

30,000 households to improve urban regeneration projects such as innovation districts

Source: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
Source: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport

[스트레이트뉴스] Housing close to 400,000 households will be supplied through the improvement of urban regeneration projects, new designation of public housing sites, and short-term housing expansion.

According to the’Public-led 3080+, a landmark expansion plan for housing supply in metropolitan areas’ announced on the 4th by the government, in addition to the public-led maintenance project and the urban public housing complex project, the urban regeneration project was improved (30,000 households) and a new public housing site was designated (260,000 3,000 households) and short-term housing expansion (101,000 households) will also provide 394,000 households.

The government decided to create a’Residential Regeneration Innovation Zone’ that promotes district-level housing renovation in declining areas, so that the public would supply new housing in the urban regeneration zone. However, more than two-thirds of the residents’ consent was required to be designated as a residential regeneration innovation district.

The residential regeneration innovation district is planning to promote the agenda of the minimum area for location regulation, and support for government funding for the installation of infrastructure and living SOC.

In addition, it plans to establish a’Residential Regeneration Specialized New Deal Project’, which links the maintenance business and urban public housing complex project, and strengthen financial support to select within 120 business locations per year.

12 general innovation districts (0.6 ㎢) and 35 residential regeneration innovation districts (0.8 ㎢) are planned, and the supply volume is 30,000 households (8,000 households in Seoul, 11,000 households in Incheon, 11,000 households in a wide area). )to be.

15 to 20 public housing sites are newly designated nationwide, and about 260,000 households are supplied from these places.

It is planned to select target sites that can expand the supply base in the metropolitan area centered on areas with good accessibility to Seoul, and in the 5 metropolitan cities.

In addition, as part of the pre-generation plan (November 2020) 114,000 households supply plan, it is planning to increase the amount of possible occupancy within the city center as much as possible.

In order to revitalize the remodeling of vacant hotels and offices in youth housing (dormitories, etc.), it has decided to improve the semi-housing-related system, strengthen construction cost fund support and tax incentives, and increase support for new purchase REITs and purchase funds.

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