“19 people died”… French military Mirage 2000 fighter’bombing the wedding hall’ controversy

French Mirage 2000 fighter. Material photo / below shutterstock

French troops mistake the wedding hall in Mali, Africa as a secret meeting of terrorist groups. It is known that the French forces eventually launched an air raid on the site, killing 19 civilians.

Recently, the international human rights organization Human Rights Watch (HRW) revealed that the French military had done this.

wedding hall. Photos of material not relevant to the article
Mirage 2000 fighter. Base photo

According to’Human Rights Watch’, on the 3rd, the French troops dropped bombs by launching two of the latest fighter jets,’Mirage 2000′, in a village near Bunti in Mali. The meeting, which the French military announced as a meeting of terrorists, was reportedly a wedding and reception attended by villagers.

Immediately after the incident, Human Rights Watch conducted a field investigation with a civic group in Mali. The investigation revealed that the people killed in the French air raid at the time were civilians, not terrorist gang members, killing 19 people and injuring several others.

In a press release released on the 7th, the French military announced that fighter planes of Mirage 2000 dropped three bombs at a gathering of armed terrorists in Mali, killing about 30 terrorist gang members.

France sees the former colony of the Sahara Desert as a hotbed for Islamic extremist terrorists entering Europe. France has been operating a large number of troops in the region since 2013 to engage in the so-called’Barcan’ operation, a battle to combat terrorism.

Base photo

The Washington Post, an American media outlet, also reported on the testimony of witnesses on the 28th (local time).

A teacher in her 40s, who said she had attended the wedding at the time, testified to the Washington Post, “At first, I heard something like the sound of an airplane, and then I heard a roar. Suddenly, there was a lot of injured people everywhere, and the parts of the body that had fallen out rolled around.

Mirage 2000 fighter
