18 confirmed coronavirus in Busan on the 8th… Infectious material production index is 0.57 ↓

18 confirmed coronavirus in Busan on the 8th… Infectious material production index is 0.57 ↓

Reporter Ahn Joon-young [email protected]

Input: 2021-01-08 13:36:53Revision: 2021-01-08 13:36:54Posted: 2021-01-08 13:37:08


Citizens are being examined at the Temporary Screening Clinic in Seoul Plaza on the afternoon of the 7th, after a severe cold wave.  yunhap news

Citizens are being examined at the Temporary Screening Clinic in Seoul Plaza on the afternoon of the 7th, after a severe cold wave. yunhap news

The city of Busan said on the 8th that there were 18 new cases of Corona 19 in Busan. The average number of infections per day in the local community is 25.1, and the reproductive index is 0.57, but it is still too early to be relieved.

Of the new confirmed cases that occurred that day, two were carers and patients at Cheil Nara Nursing Hospital. As a result, the number of confirmed patients at Cheil Nara Nursing Hospital increased to 47 patients and 14 employees.

An additional resident was also confirmed at the Parangsae Senior Health Center. The confirmed cases of Parangsae Elderly Health Center are 41 residents and 18 employees.

One of the confirmed cases that day was in contact with the confirmed case at the church. He stated that there was contact during the filming of the church for non-face-to-face worship. Another one was confirmed by contact at a wedding with a confirmed patient in Seoul. Seven of them are investigating the source of infection.

Currently, there are 17 severely ill patients, and the number of deaths has increased by 3 to 71. One in their 70s, one in their 80s, and one in their 90s.

According to the city of Busan, there were 182 new confirmed cases for a week from January 1 to 7. The daily average number of confirmed cases is 25.1, and the infection reproduction index is 0.57. Busan City Welfare and Health Bureau Director Ahn Byung-seon said, “The number of confirmed patients and the infectious material production index are falling, but it is too early to be completely relieved as the proportion of cases of infection source investigation is still high.”

Meanwhile, Busan City will operate temporary screening and inspection stations at Oncheoncheon Stream in Dongnae-gu and Dadae Incinerator in Saha-gu from the 8th.

Nationally, 674 new corona19 confirmed cases came out and recorded 600 again in five days.

The Central Defense Response Headquarters announced that as of 0 o’clock on the day, there were 633 new cases of corona19 in Korea and 41 cases of inflow from abroad. The cumulative corona 19 confirmed in Korea reached 67358.

Of the 633 new confirmed cases in Korea, 452 came from the metropolitan area. Seoul 186, Gyeonggi 236, Incheon 30. The number of seriously ill patients increased by 4 to 404, and the death toll increased by 35 to 1081.

Reporter Ahn Joon-young [email protected]
