173,578 monthly rent transactions in November → 13.2% increase from the same month last year

Real Estate (International News/DB
Real Estate (International News/DB

(Sejong = International News) Reporter Ahn Jong-won = The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport said, “The total monthly rent transaction volume collected based on the data of the November confirmation date was 173,578, up 13.2% from the same month last year (153,345).”

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport also explained that “the cumulative monthly rent transaction volume in November (2,006,401 cases) increased by 12.2% compared to the same period last year (1,787,879 cases) and 24.7% compared to the 5-year average (1,609,059 cases).”

Along with this, he said, “The share of monthly rent in November cheonsei transaction volume was 42.0%, an increase of 3.0%p compared to the same month last year (39.0%), an increase of 1.1%p compared to the 5-year average (40.9%).”

In particular, the metropolitan area (119,961 cases) increased 0.7% from the previous month, 18.6% increased from the same month last year, and the regional (53,617 cases) decreased 0.1% from the previous month, and increased 2.6% from the same month last year.

By housing type, apartments (85,227 cases) decreased 1.1% from the previous month, increased 11.3% from the same month last year, and other apartments (88,351 cases) increased 1.9% from the previous month, and 15.1% increased from the same month last year.

By lease type, jeonse (100,613 cases) decreased 2.9% from the previous month, 7.6% increased from the same month last year, and monthly rent (72,965 cases) increased 5.5% from the previous month, and 22.0% from the same month last year.

Detailed data on the volume of housing sales and actual transaction price of cheonsei are available at the Korea Real Estate Agency’s Real Estate Statistics System (www.r-one.co.kr, real estate information app) or the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport’s actual transaction price public website (rt.molit.go.kr). I can confirm.
