16% of all first-class elderly care institutions that manage bedsores well

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16% of all first-class elderly care institutions that manage bedsores well

Simpyeongwon, 6th nursing hospital adequacy evaluation

(Sejong = News 1) Reporter Lee Jin-seong |
2017-03-30 12:00 sent

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Distribution of nursing hospitals by evaluation grade © News1

As of last year, the 65-year-old population surpassed 7 million, and long-term care medical services are attracting attention due to the rapid aging population.

On the 30th, the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service conducted the 6th adequacy evaluation of 1229 nursing hospitals nationwide from October 2015 to December of the same year, and as a result, only 202, 16.4%, received the first grade.

This is the result of intensive evaluation of the level of professional manpower such as medical staff, the level of management of daily living ability, which is important for elderly patients, and the level of pressure sore (skin condition) management.

512 places, 41.7% of the total, received the 2nd grade, 305 places (24.8%) received the 3rd grade, and 143 places (11.6%) received the 4th grade. There were 67 nursing institutions (5.5%) that received the 5th grade.

Shim Pyeong-won cautioned that low-grade institutions lack medical personnel, and the rate of tests for cognitive function tests and diabetes management of elderly patients is low, which may impair the ability to perform daily living. More information can be found on the website of Shimpyeongwon on the 31st.

