14.5 billion won disappeared like a persimmon in Jeju Casino… Super emergency for a movie

The 14.5 billion won cash that was stored at the landing casino in Jeju Shinhwa World has disappeared. The police are investigating, but the whereabouts are unknown. All the lost money is Hanwha’s cash. Assuming that all the lost cash is worth 50,000 won, it is a whopping 29,1200. There are many amounts of money that have disappeared, but considering the overall size and weight, there are growing questions about how and where to transport.

According to the Bank of Korea, the size of a 50,000 won bill is 15.4 cm wide and 6.8 cm long, and 1.1 cm high when bundled into 100 sheets. It is known that 10 kilograms that appeared as regulars in the past slush case can fill an apple box with about 1.2 billion won bills.

12.1 boxes are needed to put 14.46 billion won in the lost money in an apple box. It’s not too bulky.

In addition, the weight of one 50,000 won sheet that has never been used is 0.97g (error range ±0.05g), and the weight of all the lost cash is over 280kg. This is the weight of 145 bottles of 2ℓ water.

Ramjeong Entertainment Korea (hereinafter Ramjeong), which operates a landing casino in Jeju Shinhwa World, confirmed that the money stored in the casino had disappeared on the 4th and sued the police for embezzlement of A, a Malaysian female executive who managed the funds. Mr. A has not been to work and has not been contacted until now after taking a holiday at the end of the year. The police are investigating and securing a closed circuit (CC) TV installed in Jeju Shinhwa World and tracking A’s actions.

However, it is said that the CCTV recordings in the landing casino were erased when the cash was taken out. The police estimate that there is a possibility that more than two people conspired to commit the crime, as the money is bulky and heavy, making it difficult to move alone. Questions also remain about the whereabouts of money.

Even if Mr. A has already departed abroad by air, it is difficult to take Hanwha directly. This is because it is not easy to ship 12 apple boxes as cargo. In addition, to use the airport, cargo as well as people must pass through the checkpoint, so it is assumed that the possibility of taking it out using the airport is small.

It is not easy to exchange money for US dollars instead of Korean currency. Considering the fact that the real-name financial system is implemented, it is highly likely to be caught by the domestic financial authorities when the large amount of money is exchanged at once. Even if the currency exchange is successful, you must report if it exceeds US$10,000 (approximately 1,086 million won) when leaving the country. This can also be said to be unlikely.

Even if you use international courier, there is a high possibility that you will be caught by customs.

Based on these various estimates, some estimates that the lost cash may still be stored somewhere in Jeju Island.

A police official said, “The complaint has been filed due to the embezzlement of the employee in charge of the safe deposit box, but it is under investigation, so we cannot disclose the details.

[김규리 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
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