‘1,132 confirmed’ second scale in history… 3 steps to be decided tomorrow

Christmas Day yesterday (25th), there were 1,132 new corona19 confirmed cases, the second largest number of confirmed cases in history. The proliferation trend is seldom declining, but the government will announce tomorrow whether or not to upgrade to three stages.

Reporter Park Chan-beom delivers the first news.


Yesterday, Christmas Day, the number of suspicious reports tested was 358.

The number of tests dropped significantly from weekdays, with more than 50,000 cases, and the second highest number of new confirmed cases in history, the positive rate soared from 2.17% yesterday to 3.7% today.

The number of confirmed cases in Korea was 1,104 people minus 28 foreign inflows.

By region, about 70% of all confirmed cases, including 457 in Seoul and 250 in Gyeonggi Province, are concentrated in the metropolitan area.

In particular, 514 people, including prisoners, have been collectively infected at the Eastern Detention Center in Seoul.

Even in the non-capital region, confirmed cases were found in all cities and provinces, including 61 in Chungnam, 38 in Chungbuk, and 35 in Gangwon.

The death toll also increased by 20 yesterday, so 793 people have died while undergoing Corona 19 treatment.

The number of gastric and severe patients decreased by 12 to 299.

Special quarantine measures during the year-end and New Year holidays, including the ban on private gatherings with more than 5 people, will continue until January 3.

[권덕철/보건복지부 장관 : 우리 부모님, 가족, 이웃이 건강한 새해를 맞기 위해서는 국민 모두의 단합된 잠시 멈춤이 절실히 필요한 상황입니다.]

Tomorrow, the government will announce whether to raise social distancing in three stages.

The average number of domestic outbreaks per day for the last week was 1,17, meeting the three-step upgrade criteria.

However, the government is struggling until the last minute over whether the economic loss of small business owners and small self-employed people is enormous.
