11 Republican Senators’ Rebellion… It seems to be aiming for’Hugging Trump’s supporters’

Input 2021.01.04 11:43

Eleven US Republican lawmakers revolted. At a joint meeting of the Senate and House of Representatives to be held in Congress on the 6th (local time), President-elect Joe Biden announced that he would oppose the certification of victory. Republican leadership, including Vice President Mike Pence and House Representative Mitch McConnell, and most lawmakers are in a position to accept the election results.

The joint Senate-Household meeting is the final gateway for the decision to elect the next president. At the meeting, legislators can challenge the results of state electoral votes. The objection was only a formal process in the past, but when President Donald Trump disagrees with the election results, Republican aides appear to try all possible procedures.

US Republican Senator Ted Cruz. /AP Yonhap News

Eleven Republican senators, including Ted Cruz, made a statement on the 2nd, saying, “If President Donald Trump does not have a 10-day emergency audit of the election results of the defeated states, we will challenge the electoral votes of those states.” Earlier, while Republican Congressman Mo Brooks and Senator Josh Howley agreed to proceed with an objection, 11 additional senators expressed their intention to agree.

However, it is unlikely that their rebellion will overturn the election results. In order to invalidate the election results of a particular state, the Senate and House of Representatives must each have a majority vote, as the Democratic House of Representatives cannot cooperate with it. Republicans are also negative about unfounded election complaints. Moreover, President McConnell, the Republican leader, has even stated the position that “you should not object to the procedure for verifying the results of the electoral group voting.”

Nevertheless, the reason 11 senators oppose the verification of the election results that day was because President Trump and his supporters still exert a strong influence. According to the political media Politico, three of these lawmakers will have to hold elections in 2022. Of these, Pennsylvania lawmakers are non-urban districts, and the power of President Trump’s supporters is absolute. Congressman Cruise, who is leading the rebellion, is also mentioned as a major leader in 2024.

The US media is particularly paying attention to the actions of Congressman Cruise. It is because Congressman Cruise was a person who caused a sensation as a first-time lawmaker in his 40s during the 2016 presidential election, and it is well known that he and President Trump are not very close. In fact, President Trump criticized “Cruise stole the election” when Congressman Cruise took first place in the Republican Iowa primary in early 2016.

In this regard, the Washington Post (WP) and others analyzed that the reason he took the lead in dissatisfaction with the current presidential election was that he realized the power of the supporters of President Trump so far, and calculated that he had no choice but to embrace it when running for the next presidential election.

Meanwhile, President Trump retweeted the article on the’attempt of rebellion’ by Republican lawmakers that day, and expressed gratitude to the lawmakers. Supporters were encouraged to participate in protests against Biden’s confirmation of victory. However, demands for recount and lawsuits against elections filed by him and his electoral camp have been dismissed one after another.
