104th in the world… President Wen “The spring has come to recover and leap forward together”

Input 2021.02.26 13:54 | Revision 2021.02.26 14:19

“We deliver hope that daily recovery is not far.”

President Moon Jae-in came back after watching the first corona vaccination site in Korea on the 26th and said, “The spring has come to recover and leap forward together.”

President Moon Jae-in visits a public health center in Mapo-gu, Seoul on the 26th, and is watching Lee Jeong-sun, an employee of the municipal nursing care center for the elderly, receive the AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccine. /yunhap news

President Moon said in a post on social media (SNS) after seeing the AstraZeneca vaccination at a public health center in Mapo-gu, Seoul that day, “I give hope to the people that daily recovery is not far away.”

President Moon said, “The vaccination rate of vaccination targets is very high and the vaccination plan is well prepared, so the vaccination will be done quickly without any disruption.” And wrote. He said, “After vaccination, post-care is also safe.”

President Moon said, “I send my heart of encouragement to all those who have prepared the vaccinations well, including the Mapo-gu public health center.” I am also grateful to the people who have been vaccinated. He said, “The safety of the elderly care hospital, nursing facility, and corona treatment medical staff will accelerate the overcoming of the corona.”

President Moon asked the people, “Apart from vaccination, I ask you to tighten the string of quarantine a little more.”

Korea started vaccination 403 days after the first coronavirus confirmed on January 20 last year. The order in which vaccinations were initiated is 104th in the world, and last among OECD member countries.

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