“100 million per each naked video” Equestrian National University, former child actor, threatens ex-girlfriend

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“100 million per each naked video” Equestrian National University, former child actor, threatens ex-girlfriend

Accused of asking for money

(Bucheon = News 1) Reporter Jeong Jin-wook |
2021-02-05 08:50 sent | 2021-02-05 09:05 Last modified

© News1 Designer Choi Soo-ah

A former child actor and former national team horseback riding player was accused of asking for money and money for distributing nude photos to an old lover, and the police were investigated.

According to the Bucheon Ohjeong Police Station in Gyeonggi Province on the 5th, at the end of January, a horseback riding player from the national team was sued by the police for violating the law on the punishment of sexual violence crimes.

Mr. A’s old lover Mr. B said, “Mr. A threatened to distribute photos and videos showing his naked body.” After borrowing more than this, I didn’t pay it back,” he wrote in the complaint.

In the past, Mr. A, who was active as a child actor, was active as a national horseback riding representative.

A police official said, “The cyber team filed the complaint at the end of last month,” and “I will call Mr. A sooner or later to investigate the facts of the complaint.”

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