100 Electric and Hydrogen Cars by 2050 Hankyung.com

The Ministry of Environment has set the goal of converting domestic cars to 100% electric and hydrogen cars by 2050, and has decided to prepare detailed strategies for realizing this in the second half of this year. However, it was decided to discuss the timing of discontinuing the sale of internal combustion locomotives with the industry.

On the 2nd, the Ministry of Environment announced the ‘2021 Carbon Neutral Implementation Plan’ containing these details. This is to suggest the direction of policies under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Environment for 2050 carbon neutrality.

Carbon neutral refers to the state in which the net emission is zero by offsetting the amount of carbon emission and absorption. President Moon Jae-in promised to the international community in October last year that he will “achieve carbon neutrality by 2050”.

The Ministry of Environment is planning to prepare multiple scenarios for GHG reduction by June, based on the analysis of potential reductions by sector such as industry and transportation. Based on this, strategies for implementing core policies for each sector are also established together with relevant ministries.

Key tasks for carbon neutrality were △future vehicles for energy conversion △carbon neutral buildings △zero waste circular economy. This year, it has decided to speed up the expansion of the charger unit to achieve the era of 300,000 cumulative zero-emission vehicles such as electric and hydrogen vehicles.

In the second half of this year, it has also decided to prepare a’transportation strategy for future vehicles. The Ministry of Environment is planning to present a vision to convert 100% pollution-free vehicles by 2050 by supplying and innovating pollution-free vehicles, replacing internal combustion locomotives with pollution-free vehicles, and significantly expanding the infrastructure for charging non-polluting vehicles.

An official from the Ministry of Environment said at a briefing that day, “The Ministry of Environment is planning to implement a policy to transform pollution-free vehicles in order to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050,” and said, “However, we plan to discuss with the industry the timing of discontinuing the sale of internal combustion locomotives.” He added, “Overseas are considering discontinuing the sale of internal combustion locomotives from 2030 to 2040. The Ministry of Environment will also refer to this.”

Previously, the Presidential Council on Climate and Environment recommended that the sale of internal combustion locomotives should be stopped in Korea starting in 2035 or 2040 for carbon neutrality in 2050.

In addition, the Ministry of Environment will also announce the’Road Map for Circular Economy Innovation’ in the fourth quarter of this year. The circular economy refers to an eco-friendly economic model that pursues sustainability through resource conservation and recycling. The Ministry of Environment said, “We will prepare mid- to long-term step-by-step implementation plans, including management of the whole process of resource circulation and inducing eco-friendliness of enterprises to spread the implementation of circular economy.

The’Strategies for Reduction and Adaptation of Greenhouse Gases Based on Nature and Ecology’ to be released at the end of this year will contain strategies to respond to climate change problems using natural ecosystems, such as restoration and expansion of the ecological space, which is a source of carbon absorption, and maximization of ecosystem functions including climate control.

Reporter Eunseo Koo [email protected]

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