10 Republicans in favor of Trump’s impeachment “President’s betrayal, I can’t tolerate it”

▲ US Republican Congressman Liz Cheney voted in favor of Trump’s impeachment proposal

Ten lawmakers voted in favor of the impeachment prosecution against President Trump, which passed the US House of Representatives today (14th).

When the first impeachment bill against President Trump was voted in the House of Representatives in 2019 in the so-called “Ukraine scandal,” all Republican lawmakers voted against, but this time, 10 people revolted in the Republican Party because of the seriousness of the issue of an unprecedented parliamentary riot. The ticket came out.

According to the Washington Post and Axios, Republican lawmakers who voted for impeachment were John Catco (New York), Liz Cheney (Wyoming), Adam Kinzinger (Illinois), Fred Upton (Michigan), Jamie Herrera Boytler (Washington), and Dan Newhouse. (Washington), Peter Meyer (Michigan), Anthony Gonzalez (Ohio), Tom Rice (South Carolina), and David Balladao (California).

In addition to Rep. Cheney, 3rd in the Republican House of Power and the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, four lawmakers, Katko, Kinzinger, and Upton, have already publicly declared that they will vote in favor of the impeachment bill from the day before the House vote on the impeachment prosecution.

In the actual ballot, in addition to these four, six more joined the ranks in favor.

They all admitted that the Trump supporters’ intrusion in Congress on the 6th was an unacceptable act that seriously threatened US democracy, and that the president was responsible for inciting it.

Senator Cheney vowed to vote in favor of the impeachment bill, saying, “The president of the United States has never made a greater betrayal of the oath against the presidency and constitution.”

Rep. Katko argued that “allowing the President to instigate these attacks poses a direct threat to our democratic future.”

(Photo = Getty Image Korea)
