1/19 Morning Briefing: Digital One-to-One Road in China, etc.

Daniel Kuhn

Source = Shutterstock
Source = Shutterstock

Main news

China’s digital One-to-one

China’s state-led blockchain alliance BSN (Blockchain Service Network) is expected to test digital yuan, the central bank digital currency (CBDC), as early as the second half of this year.

BSN announced in a blog on the 15th that it will also complete integration with 30 public blockchains within this year. BSN, a state-led blockchain, is not an open type, but a closed type blockchain that only authorized subjects can participate.

Goldman Sachs to enter the cryptocurrency market through consignment business

Goldman Sachs, an investment bank in the US, will enter the cryptocurrency market through digital asset consignment, a Goldman Sachs official said. At the end of 2020, Goldman Sachs sent a request for information to at least one renowned cryptocurrency trustee.

Coinbase “Exponential increase in transaction volume, separation of web and mobile infrastructure”

Coinbase, an American cryptocurrency exchange, has announced that it will partially separate the infrastructure of its website and mobile application. This is to prevent the exchange system from stopping when the trading volume surges.

Brief news

Market trend

Altcoin’s remarkable rise

While Bitcoin trading took a breath, the price of LINK, the underlying token of Chainlink’s oracle system, hit an all-time high. Link’s previous high was $19.90 in August 2020, hitting a new record last night at $23.68.

The price of altcoins has risen markedly as the recent bitcoin rise has slowed for a while and capital has shifted to more speculative products. Link is one of them.

This story originally appeared on CoinDesk, the global leader in blockchain news and publisher of the Bitcoin Price Index. view BPI.
· Translated by NewsPeppermint.

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