[환율마감] Won-dollar declined for only three days, fluctuating at the linkage of stocks and yuan

During the intraday, temporary payments may exceed 1110 won..
US-China conflict, US interest rate rise, stock market attention, box ticket, likely to fluctuate by 1095-1115 won

▲ Right is the intraday flow of the won dollar exchange rate on the 19th (Bank of Korea, check)

▲ Right is the intraday flow of the won dollar exchange rate on the 19th (Bank of Korea, check)

The won-dollar exchange rate declined after three days. During the week, the stock market and the yuan were linked to the fluctuations.

At one time during the week, due to the weak stock price, the amount of payment temporarily came out and exceeded 1110 won. However, there was no special heavy industry or payment volume other than that.

Foreign exchange market participants commented that they were linked to stocks and renminbi. It is expected that the market will remain in the box market next week. It is an observation that it is possible to retry 1110 won in the next week as it exceeds 1110 won during the week. This is because the US and China are showing a pattern of conflict, and US bond yields are also on the rise. He advised that you need to pay attention to the stock market. Next week, the won and the dollar are expected to fluctuate between 1095 won and 1115 won.

On the 19th, the won-dollar exchange rate in the Seoul foreign exchange market closed at 1105.9 won, down 1.7 won (0.15%) from the previous day. The won/dollar starting at 1107.3 won went between 1105.3 won and 1111.0 won during the intraday. The intraday fluctuation was 5.7 won.

The offshore exchange rate fell for the second day. In the differential settlement futures exchange (NDF) market, one-month won-dollar contracts reached a final bid at 1107.0/1107.3, down 0.55 won from the previous spot exchange closing price.

A foreign exchange dealer in the banking sector said, “At the beginning of the market, there were negative quantities. In the middle, it rebounded as stocks and the renminbi weakened, and payments burst out at once. It was resisted at the 1110 won range, and since then, it has been linked to the yuan and the stock market. In terms of supply and demand, the heavy industry or the amount of payments did not stand out.”

He also said, “As the US-China conflict has emerged, there is a possibility that the yuan will weaken in the dollar and yuan. The US bond yield is also on the rise. The won and the dollar are also expected to try the 1110 won level. Next week, the won and the dollar will fluctuate between 1106 won and 1112 won.”

Another banknote foreign exchange dealer said, “It moved according to stock supply and demand. It is because stocks were missing even when it went up in the middle. There was almost no quantity,” he said. “It seems like next week will be a range workshop. It seems to be going between 1095 won and 1100 won to 1115 won at around 20 won. It is highly volatile, so I think we need to look closely at the stock market.”

As of 3:50 pm, the dollar and yen are down 0.05 yen (0.05%) to 105.62 yen, and the euro and dollar are up 0.0002 dollars (0.02%) to 1.2092 dollars. The offshore dollar and yuan (CNH) is trading at 6.4589 yuan, down 0.0001 yuan (0.0%). The intraday traveled between 6.4678 yuan and 6.4524 yuan.

In the stock market, the KOSPI rose 20.96 points (0.68%) to 3107.62. Foreigners sold 352.7 billion won worth of KRW 352.7 billion in the KOSPI market, continuing the net sales for the third day.
