[화보] AB6IX, women’s heart all-kill visual

Top Daily Reporter Seo Sang-Hyun = A fun lifestyle magazine for confident singles <싱글즈>Repackaged album in about two and a half months on the 18th And released a dandy visual pictorial of AB6IX, a group that is comforting the hearts of those who are tired of their comeback with high speed and hopeful melody and lyrics.

AB6IX Woong, Donghyun, Woojin, and Daehwi, who started shooting in a cozy and warm space on a snowy romantic day, transformed into sweet-looking dandy guys, making women’s hearts flutter with visuals that thrilled just by looking at them.

The four boys heard the voice of being a rising pictorial genius, boasting a perfect style no matter what they wear, from the cozy boyfriend’s knit style to the vintage look like the protagonist in a classic movie.

In particular, the warm chemistry between the members full of personality made even viewers happy.

AB6IX united with passion and effort

Group AB6IX members, who have just reached their 2nd year since their debut, are all being evaluated as’workers’ because they think who is not one team. Dae-Hwi, who once set a goal, moves forward with an upright mind, about the image of’genius’

“I came to this place by sleeping less and studying more than others, but I am regretting that it seems to have been solidified into an image that makes it easy with my innate ability, so I am putting on a new image to break it.”

He revealed the passion of the members who are constantly working hard. Donghyun, who usually writes literary lyrics while reading poetry books and novels, also said, “Two of the nicknames are’Kim Dan-ho’ and’Kim Naeng-jeong’.

The most important thing is humility and courtesy.” He expressed his determination not to lose his original intention.

Greedy people with a lot of things they want to do

Woong said, “I want to appear in entertainment programs where I can use my body or talk freely, and I want to do musicals and acting.” I’m on the side of being greedy unexpectedly.”

He showed greed for various activities. “I want to keep showing you how you are growing musically. Dae-Hwi said, “We aim to produce more good albums,” Dong-hyun, “I want to challenge the music genre that combines acoustic sound and R&B.”

“Collaboration with various artists is an opportunity to grow. Four men who are not afraid of unfamiliar challenges, such as Woo Jin, who can learn fresh and new things and take a step into a wider world, are constantly growing.

A new song, a new hope

AB6IX’s sincerity that he made a quick comeback to convey hope to more people is also contained in this album. “It’s a new remix of an existing song, so I’d like to approach the fans with freshness.

As Woojin said, “It’s the first time I got goosebumps after hearing a guide since my debut,” said Daehwi, “It’s a lot more dramatic because our avenue people have been featured,” “If I sing at a concert, I feel like crying.

All of the members expressed their expectations for their comeback activities.

On the other hand, group AB6IX, which released a new title song’STAY YOUNG’ through Mnet’M Countdown’ on the 21st, completed the lyrics full of sincerity and an energetic performance, which thrilled many fans.

The hopeful stage of the four men who perfectly digested the sophisticated pop dance genre that has never been shown before is giving comfort to the weary daily life.

AB6IX’s heartbeat visual pictorial, which always fills the stage with their own color <싱글즈> February issue and <싱글즈> It is available on the website (www.thesingle.co.kr).

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