[현장연결] Party government announced plans to expand housing supply 850,000 units nationwide

In addition, the Democratic Party and the government hold discussions with the party to discuss ways to expand housing supply in metropolitan areas.
The first real estate plan of the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport is confirmed here.

It is expected that supply measures of 325,000 units in Seoul alone and 850,000 units nationwide will be included.

Let’s go to the field.

[김태년 / 더불어민주당 원내대표]

Today, as a comprehensive version of the real estate market stabilization plan, a large-scale housing supply plan is confirmed.

As announced to the public, the party government has prepared with great care to come up with the largest housing supply plan for the Moon Jae-in administration.

In particular, we have prepared a plan to supply large-scale housing beyond market expectations in Seoul and the metropolitan area, where housing demand is high.

This supply measure will contribute to stabilization of the housing market by relieving the market’s feelings of anxiety in supply and demand, and will help homeless people to realize their dreams of building a home.

This is the speed and publicity of this measure.

I would like to say that we have prepared various types of supply plans by region and period so that housing supply can be sufficiently and stably achieved.

We set up a supply strategy for each location type, such as promoting public redevelopment and public reconstruction in connection with urban regeneration in the underdeveloped original city center, and increasing residential density by easing regulations in station areas and heavy industrial areas.

By period, we have secured both the quantity to be supplied quickly in the short term this year and next year and the quantity to be supplied over the mid to long term.

The improvement of the legal system necessary for rapid housing supply will be treated by the Party as a top priority.

We hope that the government will make every effort to ensure that the established supply plans can be carried out without disruption.

In addition, in order to secure publicity, this measure has devised measures to ensure that development profits are appropriately distributed to business operators, land owners, local communities, and tenants, and to prevent side effects such as price increases in new sites.

In addition, the Democratic Party and the government’s real estate policies are firm.

We will thoroughly block speculation and provide sufficient support for homeless end users to build their own homes through stable housing supply.

To the multi-homed people, I would like to tell you clearly the will of the party and the government.

We will cut off speculative demand and profits at the source, and we will continue to push ahead with policies to stabilize the housing market and implement fair taxation.

In addition, we will continue to pursue mid- to long-term housing supply measures that reflect changes in population and households.

I would like to say that the government and the Democratic Party will do their best to make 2021 a year to overcome the corona economic crisis and stabilize the housing market together.

That is all.

[홍익표 / 더불어민주당 정책위의장]

First of all, I would like to thank many of our lawmakers, including Park Tae-nyeon Kim, who has been with us even during today’s busy time.

In particular, I would like to express my gratitude to Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Byun Chang-heum, who worked hard to prepare this measure without taking a break from day to night as soon as he took office in order to dramatically expand housing supply in metropolitan areas.

In addition, I would like to thank Yong-beom Kim, Vice Minister of Strategy and Finance of the Ministry of Economy, and Hak-jin Kim, Vice Mayor of Seoul, for attending.

Until now, the party and the government have been united together and discussed various measures to stabilize the housing market, and today the results are announced to the public.

On the basis that the housing market must supply sufficient quantities according to supply and demand, however, we will not give up the firm principle of housing welfare policy for housing policy.

While supplying sufficient supplies to the market, we will also implement housing welfare policies for the vulnerable, low-income and young people.

In addition to the public-led new city construction, private-led redevelopment and reconstruction projects, the government’s innovative supply expansion plan is based on supplying a breakthrough amount of housing in the city, this time led by the public.

In addition, it includes not only housing but also supplying a variety of facilities in a complex manner to suit city functions.

To this end, we will establish a cooperation model between the government, local governments, public enterprises, and private construction companies to build a fast track that can establish a rapid supply base in the near future.

In addition, we will provide sufficient housing through densification in downtown areas centered on the station area.

It also includes providing high-quality housing by securing sufficient living infrastructure in the residential area.

In addition, housing is supplied centering on pre-sale apartments desired by consumers, and public self- and public rental housing is also included to provide consumers with a mix in consideration of location conditions to secure consumers’ choice.

We have also prepared and prepared measures to properly distribute development profits based on social consensus and preemptive anti-speculation measures.

The success or failure of housing supply measures in urban and metropolitan areas depends on the speed and quantity of housing supply.

We ask that you actively cooperate not only with the government but also with local governments such as the city of Seoul so that high-quality housing that exceeds market expectations can be quickly supplied.

The party will immediately consult with the opposition party for rapid revision of housing-related laws so that the breakthrough housing supply can be promoted quickly.

The Party will also take active measures to raise the necessary financial resources so that public enterprises such as LH, which will play a leading role in this project, can proceed without disruption.

The Party will carefully manage and examine this issue so that this real estate supply measure does not lead to new real estate speculation in urban areas and a short-term rise in housing prices.

In addition, we will do our best to prevent such occurrences through firmly additional countermeasures against acts that disturb the real estate market such as speculation areas and recurrence of speculation.

Thank you.

[변창흠 / 국토교통부 장관]

First of all, I sincerely express my heartfelt heart to the members of the party, including President Tae-nyeon Kim, Chairman of Policy Committee Hong Ik-pyo, Chairman of Policy Committee Dong-Soo Dong, Chairman Jin Seon-mi, Secretary of National Land Commission Cho Eung-cheon, etc. I would like to thank you.

In addition, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Vice Minister Kim Yong-beom of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance and the 2nd Vice Mayor of Seoul City Hak-jin Kim, who cooperated in preparing the housing supply plan together.

Despite the largest housing supply in history, the housing market is showing an unstable appearance as concerns over unprecedented ultra-low interest rates and lack of housing supply overlap.

In particular, as the demand for high-quality housing is increasing due to the increase in income and accelerating household division, it is urgent to prepare a plan to supply housing in the city center.

In addition, the necessity of reforming urban space shortages is increasing due to changes in industrial structure, new technologies such as zero energy, and changes in lifestyles such as non-face-to-face consumption.

However, there are limitations in supplying housing as it is difficult to respond to changes in new conditions using existing methods.

There were many cases in which projects were drifting for a long time due to unnecessary urban building regulations that hindered the supply of housing, difficulties in securing land due to complex interests, unclear union operation and corruption.

Under this recognition, the government has been promoting rapid business through fast track of public-led private cooperation, supplying sufficient amount of housing using available land in downtown areas such as station areas, high-quality housing such as expansion of sufficient living infrastructure, and housing centered on pre-sale housing that the people want. Under the five basic supply principles of supply, sharing of development profits, and actively blocking speculative demand, we have focused our capabilities to develop an innovative housing supply model in the city center.

If this model is implemented without a hitch, we believe that it will be able to quickly supply homes of speed, quantity, location and quality that exceed market expectations.

In addition to the expansion of the supply, we will improve the subscription system to significantly expand opportunities for homeless homes for newlyweds and first-timers as well as homeless households in their 30s and 40s.

In addition, we will strengthen the protection of tenants and the poor, and also solve the problem of migration caused by loss by introducing a circular redevelopment method.

We will preemptively manage short-term housing price uncertainties that may arise during the development process in accordance with the designation of a land transaction permission zone.

The government will make every effort to ensure that the public can feel the policy results early, such as promptly commencing follow-up measures along with the announcement of countermeasures.

Once again, I sincerely request that the Party will actively support the legislative and budgetary measures and organization of a dedicated organization to secure the execution power of measures.

Thank you.

Yonhap News TV article inquiries and reports: katok/line jebo23
