[현장생중계]Se-Hoon Oh and Chul-Soo Ahn Discussion on unification of opposition ④ (March 16)


Secondly, I mean one thing about President Yoon, in fact. President Yoon is a valuable asset to the opposition. The hearts of many of our opposition voters eager for a regime change are gathered there.

Doesn’t it act like a huge dam that gathers that mind? So how precious are you? So whether or not this person actually politics is up to his decision.

However, I would like you to play a helpful role in the opposition regime change no matter which way you decide. I am really desperate.

I said so with that kind of despair. The unification of the pan-optics that I mentioned, I believe that only that can be a regime change. So, if President Yoon is in politics, I would like him to play a role as a candidate for the presidential election and to support his strength even if he does not do politics.

And will I get him alone? Starting with Candidate Se-hoon Oh from our opposition, I don’t think that is impossible if many people visit, persuade, and approach with sincerity.

And I’ve talked about the admission issue in various ways. Actually, I made a presentation today on Sunday. I will make the bigger number 2.

And I don’t know if there is a corner that is not clear about it today, so I told you about the action plan in more detail today in really specific English expressions.

I’m a politician too. If I break that promise, will I be able to do politics in the future? So, I’m going to tell you that you don’t have to worry about it.

Rather, I am with me now. So there are such attempts to divide our opposition supporters. It could be within the opposition, but the passport really wants it.

Isn’t it what they think it’s good for the passport to separate me and Candidate Oh? So I can’t talk about division between us anymore, let’s not talk about division.

And let’s not go over to the black propaganda of the cracking of passports. And the sure way is I’m like this. Wouldn’t one of us be a candidate for unification of opposition?

Then the other person decides to run for that person’s election as the first chairman. If Candidate Oh becomes a single candidate, I will serve as the chairman of the predecessor and play hard if he permits it. Candidate Oh, how are you?


I think we talked about that to some extent when we met. Since we agreed in principle that no matter who becomes a candidate, we really do our best to win a unified candidate, I will make a promise that I will play hard regardless of whether the name became the chairman of the predecessor or the head of the headquarters.

However, as I said earlier, I was worried about whether it would be realistically possible, so I pointed out at the risk of rudeness.

Now, I think I can talk about that. Now again, back to the policy story. In fact, the LH issue and the integrity issue have become very important.

As I mentioned earlier, the level of integrity has increased to the point that the term “Bokmajeon City,” which was nicknamed as a hotbed of corruption and bribery during my term of office, disappears.

It must have been thanks to the initiative. Anyway, it is said that today’s panel wasn’t in the promise, but I’ll use it one more time. This is the graph of integrity during my tenure.

In fact, Seoul was last ten thousand years old. In the evaluation of the National Human Rights Commission of Korea, I was also in the lowest level of integrity for 10,000 years, but during my term of office, I won first place twice. I really put a lot of effort into it.

I’m not showing it to show off, but to our Candidate Chul-Soo Ahn, the organization of the city of Seoul, and this again went down a lot. Park Won-soon went down to the bottom at the end of the municipal administration. I would like to ask if you have an action plan and how to make it a clean organization again.


I think three things are necessary to create an integrity organization. First of all, it’s the system. So, when such an unpleasant thing happens systematically, the One Strike Out system.

So, if you are prosecuted for such a case, you must have a system that suspends your work and immediately dismisses your sentence if you are imprisoned. The second is leadership. In fact, no matter how good a system exists, wouldn’t it not work if the leader in charge of the organization does not implement it?

After that, the third is the evaluation and reward system. In fact, no matter how much there is a system, if there is no difference in evaluation and if there is no difference in evaluation, I will not be able to keep it well if I keep this or not.

So, more importantly, there will be good evaluations, better incentives, and various methods for those who adhere to the system well. There are ways to do it, such as taking more vacations or giving you more incentives. These things are, in fact, in every organization I’ve been running for my entire life.

And, in fact, while serving as the chairman of the board of directors of a leading global conglomerate with a larger budget than Seoul, I also made important big decisions.

So, how can we put what we think into exercise and practice in English expressions? That’s already proven in several professions so far.


As I listen to the words now, I remember the words that our Candidate Chul-soo Ahn said shortly after he started politics. If you know how to swim in a pool, you can also swim in the sea. Actually, I played triathlon in the past.

I couldn’t even go 10m after entering the sea because I was swimming in the pool, at first. Probably, I believe and believe that Candidate Chul-Soo Ahn’s ability is outstanding, so he can fully demonstrate his ability in the private sector in the public.


I don’t think you didn’t know the story of Alvin Toffler. Alvin Toffler did it. There is a saying that governments fly at 25 miles, while companies fly at 100 miles.


That said, Alvin Toffler is a question of which organization is more efficient, which organization is more advanced, which organization adapts faster. The question of integrity is completely different. Actually, I was doing the analogy.

Candidate Chul-soo Ahn pays a salary, and the organizational principles and work methods are different in terms of how to move and keep public officials with guaranteed status and work mindset. So, I gave examples of swimming pools and sea swimming.

In that sense, since I’ve spent a bigger budget in the private sector, I’ll probably make a bigger achievement by entering public office.

I’ll refrain from telling you any more because it’s like rudeness. The answer I was expecting is not that kind of universal answer.

In fact, of all policies, Candidate Chul-Soo Ahn said that how the stronger 4th Industrial Revolution, AI, big data, and business systems can be elaborately linked with cutting-edge science and transparently disclosed, so that public officials have no choice but to become institutionally transparent. I was hoping you would do it and asked a question. There was no answer to that part.




Yes. Actually, I told you because I wanted to hear that, but you didn’t say it before.


That’s common sense.


So I told you. I think I’m thinking of it right now.


I know better than anyone because I went to Estonia and saw it myself.


That’s right. State-of-the-art science and technology and high technology enable such a system that can guarantee even transparency. In fact, I expected that candidate Ahn Chul-soo would explain the system in depth.

Anyway, that’s enough to answer that question. Did you make a pledge to be a small business owner relief foundation? But I agree with this commitment itself.

It’s such a pledge how to apply because small business owners are difficult. Did you know that there is the Seoul Credit Guarantee Foundation and the Seoul Industry Promotion Agency in Seoul?


Of course you know.


Wouldn’t these two instruments be enough to do this?


It’s a little different. Rather, while looking at the pledge of Candidate Oh, I made a pledge like this to make an office loan through the Seoul Shinbo, but this is a bit dangerous, I thought so.

I agree with the application, but refusing to accept paperwork is very populist. Because I have been an outside director of a commercial bank several times and have expertise in that field. However, it is a pledge that is not sustainable because the Seoul city has to bear the burden.


That part is misunderstood. Not saying that I won’t receive the documents doesn’t mean that I’ll just guarantee you without any required documents, but bring this and that one you need. It doesn’t take time, doesn’t bother, and nowadays it’s all done with a computerized system.

So, without taking time and energy for small business owners who come in a hurry to find what they need, they don’t take time and energy, and the Credit Guarantee Foundation will provide a guarantee by reducing the required documents to the minimum, which means that there is no misunderstanding.


When I give you an urgent proposal, you have 2 minutes 51 seconds left, and I now have more than 7 minutes left. If I ask a question, I would like to ask for a quick answer. Candidate Oh talked about the mayor’s experience. In fact, there are many reviews that say that you were not good at living in the house when you were in office.

That’s when the debt increased by 11 trillion won. It increased by 2 trillion every year, but during the tenure of Mayor Park Won-soon, debt increased by 1 trillion every year. So even the biggest issue in 2011 was the debt and debt issue in Seoul.

At that time, GNP President Na Gyeong-won made a pledge not to administer wartime such as the Han River Renaissance. So, it’s the fact that your finances were bad during your tenure Oh, how would you explain it?


If I keep asking questions and I answer them, my time will fly away, but I have been asking a lot of questions, so this is the phenomenon now.


I did it for a long time.


Let me explain. Do you remember the Lehman Brothers outbreak during my tenure?




So, both the state and local governments owed national debt. It issued local bonds, and the city of Seoul. So the debt increased. You know all about using a policy to solve a lot of money when the economic crisis comes. First is that.

Second, I bought a lot of land by doing a lot of land development projects at that time. Mayor Park Won-soon sold the land by developing the land. So the money must have come in. So I made an investment, and Mayor Park Won-soon came in with money.

So, at that time, the debt increased, and mayor Park Won-soon had less debt. Mayor Park Won-soon used it in the first place and said that he was the mayor who paid off his debts.

In short, the debt increase in those days has increased even more now, during Park Won-soon’s municipal administration. At the beginning of that time, I could afford a little. It all explains everything.


I don’t really understand the explanation. Why wasn’t it very difficult during the Lehman Brothers crisis?


That’s right. It was difficult as it is now, so I spent a lot of money.


At that time, you were doing wartime administrative projects such as the Han River Renaissance.


There is no exhibition administration for the Han River Renaissance. The Han River Renaissance, why is the exhibition administration that many people go out to the Han River and have fun with tents? How well you are using it now.


After that, you said that your debt has increased due to the second housing site development project.


There is Magok District that I developed in my days. There are Unjeong and Janggi districts. Next, Shinjeong District, Shinnae District.


I know.


All of that was a land buying business in which a tremendous amount of money was invested.


However, it is the debt of public corporations under the subsidiary of Seoul, not the debt of Seoul City Hall.


of course.


However, I am telling you that the debt of the Seoul City Hall has increased.


As I said before, the debt of the Seoul Metropolitan Government increased, as I said earlier, during the economic crisis at Lehman Brothers, the government now also uses a policy to loosen money through debt, isn’t it a deficit financial policy? That is why it is.


I’ll ask you another one. Don’t you talk a lot about win-win housing? Now you have spoken about 70,000. By the way, you have supplied 33,000 units in the last 14 years. Is 70,000 units possible in the next 5 years?


Available. Because during my tenure, most of it was supplied for five years, and then I gave it a lot when Park Won-soon’s municipal administration began. So it is. Don’t you know that Mayor Park Won-soon erased my achievements? So I am almost dead now.


But the last time I had a discussion, I heard the answer. But you said that there is no private land in Seoul right now.

In that case, in the end, we have to demolish the building that was built in the private sector and do it there. It is impossible to meet the expected profits of the private sector now, and in fact, I think that this is impossible.


It means that there are no large-scale housing sites. That is why redevelopment and reconstruction have to be used a lot. And even buildings in the station area can be rebuilt while redeveloping and rebuilding. You can put rental housing or long-term jeonse housing there.


You have 5 minutes left and 43 seconds left. Please note.


It’s more of the same related thing.


How about trying this once? As I keep answering, I spend a lot of time, so I will ask questions for the remaining time.


Can I give you my time?


Thank you for doing so.


That can’t be done.


Just one simple. Shift is for the middle class. Then, money goes to the middle class only, and public leases for those in need are reduced.


That is not so. Rental housing and national rental housing are used, but there is a shift in win-win housing as an additional amount.


I have another question to ask.


I haven’t been able to explain for a long time because I don’t have time, so I’m just giving you the point. Then can I ask you a question? Tourism policy is very important. Please tell us the plan to promote tourism policy.


Tourism policy is really important. In particular, these days, the Corona Era, K-pop, and K-dramas are popular all over the world. Now, I went to school in the United States as well, and I built a lot of contacts while working at the Max Planck Institute in Germany for about a year and a half.

However, what they call me these days is that I want to go to Seoul after the coronavirus is over. Seoul has really become a hip city with English expressions. So I got a little hurried.

If so many people come to the end of the corona and are rather disappointed, will they not come again? But I think the three are the most important. First of all, tourist content, content with a story.

The second is infrastructure. Accommodation and commercial facilities must be fully equipped.

The third is publicity. So I’m going to tell you very simply that the success of the tourism industry is the content level times the publicity ability. So no matter how good the content is and the story is 100 points, if the publicity ability is 0, 100 times 0 is 0 if not known to foreign countries.

It fails. There is also the opposite. Conversely, the promotional ability is 100 points, but if we don’t have the right content, then we get 0 points. But I really saw many possibilities for Seoul as a tourist city to expand globally.

I’m running a marathon. While playing in Europe like this, I have played in various cities. However, although most European cities have rivers, there are few rivers that are so big. But when I came back to Korea, I now live in Sanggye-dong.

If you run along Jungnangcheon for a long time, you will probably find a place facing the Han River after running for almost 20km. At that time, I was choked. I have never seen such a magnificent appearance in a foreign country.

If you make such a good environment known to foreign countries, a lot of people will come. I thought so. So, I think that the public-private role should be shared.

So, of course, it would be better to create a story and do it autonomously by the private sector, and of course the government gives various incentives and conducts competitions. After that, the infrastructure must be jointly made public and private.

Isn’t it possible to build a variety of accommodations or a variety of transportation facilities? However, public relations should be done at the pavilion. However, public relations, for example, the mayor of Seoul appearing on the screen and notifying foreign countries, I think that is not good.

When I make an advertisement video and broadcast it on major foreign broadcasters, I will write a K-pop star and a K-drama star when I become the mayor of Seoul so that I can visit Korea.

If that happens, a lot of people will come. There are not many opportunities. I believe that the end of Corona 19, unfortunately in Korea, will probably be beyond this year and after the middle of next year.

It’s unfortunate, but if the Mayor of Seoul makes such things in mind for the next year, the tourism industry will really do better than ever. I believe so.


You talked about the Han River Renaissance just a while ago, but I was surprised to hear about the use of the Han River while saying that it is the exhibition hall of the Han River Renaissance. Do you admit that it’s not an exhibition project?


Han River Renaissance, it’s good to do it right.


thank you.


You have 2 seconds left and 26 seconds left, so you can use it.


Since you have 30 seconds left, please explain the culture and art policy for a moment.


Would you like to use 2 seconds?


I am writing it now.


As you said, one second has passed. There are really many things I can tell you, but in fact, Candidate Oh, the real estate policy, said that 360,000 units were supplied. Mayor Park Won-soon supplied 80,000 units a year.

[오세훈] It’s been in the past 5 years…


Sorry to be running out of time.


400,000 units will be supplied in 5 years, and even if left alone, 400,000 units will be supplied.


This is an additional quantity.


Even in the past…


The time is up, Candidate Ahn. Sorry. Time I said earlier, but please understand that you have to keep it like a sword.


He kept it like a sword.


When I’m out of balance, I’m the most burdened. Shouldn’t we avoid having to speak on our own if we go wrong later? Anyway, thank you for completing it all. Now is the order of the closing remarks. Two candidates can give one minute each.

Then, according to the order of speech, everyone is in the reverse order of speech. First, please tell me about Candidate Se-hoon Oh. The time is 1 minute.


Dear citizens of Seoul, did you find hope in today’s discussion? Our two candidates have made a firm promise. We will achieve unification. That is why I think you are sending a lot of support and support. Actually, he is a lot of trouble.

There were also many mistakes. But, thank you so much for helping me get here. I am deeply grateful once again for the disappointment of the people’s power and for those who were angry at the situation of the Moon Jae-in administration and who did not support our party, would like to support me again.

Be sure to achieve unification, cross that wall, go to the finals and win candidate Park Young-seon, and the heart of Korea, Seoul, beats again. So yesterday I gave a vision to create a Seoul city that has the highest international competitiveness.

We will be together. Please help everyone. I will jump and prepare a bridgehead for regime change.


When the time is up, please tell us about Candidate Chul-soo Ahn. After all, it is 1 minute.


In today’s debate, there must have been some words that Candidate Se-hoon Oh feels a little sad. But the unification will surely happen, and we will go together until the election and even after the election. Successful unification brings you one step closer to victory.

So, isn’t it time to look at a bigger task? From now on, we have to think about how we can win the presidential election next year.

As mayor, I will be able to combine the power of the people and the People’s Party with a low attitude to form the second party with a greater preference, and in the process, I will be able to stand up to protect the people and the Constitution.

Fellow citizens of Seoul, please give me a chance to work. We will repay you with achievements. We look forward to the wise choice of Seoul citizens.
Thank you.


thank you. You kept the exact time. 80 minutes time has passed. Everyone, election is the process of choice. Polls are also part of the selection process.

Honestly, when you receive a poll phone call, it will be annoying and there will be many times like this. In particular, there may be people who feel quite reluctant to do that because of the Corona economy these days. But you shouldn’t.

Opinion polls or why we should vote on April 7th. I think this is an important process to prevent the phenomenon of distorting public opinion by overrepresenting a few voices.

That’s why I’d like to ask you to do some polls this time, even if it’s a bit difficult and sometimes bothersome. I hope you will also vote on the 7th of April. It was an 80-minute discussion.

Today, I would like to thank you two candidates for having a really long discussion. And most of all, I would like to thank the viewers who have watched for a long time.

Then, today’s opposition candidate unification debate will be shortened all here in today’s order. thank you.
