[현장목소리] ‘Multi-Goal’ Benegas, “Dynamic Korean Football… Similar to Argentina”-Star News


[스포탈코리아=잠실] Reporter Chae Tae-geun =’Argentina Express’ Benegas (25) led the triumph of Seoul E-Land.

Benegas played the leading role in a 4-0 complete victory by scoring two goals in the second round of 2021 of the HanawonQ K League 2 against Gimcheon, held at 4 pm on the 6th at Jamsil Sports Complex.

It is Benegas, who also participated in Argentina’s prestigious club Boca Juniors. It was a game that perfectly met expectations. After the match, Benegas said, “Thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk. I am happy that the team can score 3 points and even score,” he expressed joy.

Although it is the first overseas expansion for Benegas, coach In Chang-soo, who can communicate in Spanish, was a great help. “Before I came here, it wasn’t difficult to determine if there were any Spanish-speaking people on the coaching staff,” Benegas said. I was able to come to Korea and help, so I could easily and quickly adapt.”


Regarding the cold weather in Korea, “It is very cold. This is the place where the town where I was born goes up to 30 to 40 degrees in the video near Iguazu Falls. Buenos Aires is also cold, but it is different from the cold in Korea.” Nevertheless, Benegas said, “It doesn’t matter what’s outside of football. I think it’s important to adapt quickly to Korean football,” he said. “The cold is not a big variable.

Benegas also mentioned the K-League style that it is new to. “It’s dynamic. I have been fighting for promotion in the Argentine second division league. I think it’s similar,” he said. “Argentina football is a little more technical. Korean football is a football that moves up and down dynamically. In Argentina, the ball is connected and the position is played, but there are many similarities. I am quickly adjusting to Korean football.” He finished the press conference.

Photo = Korea Professional Football Federation

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