[해외축구] Wolkle Son Heung-min achieves the most attack points in a season

▲ Gareth Bale (left) and Son Heung-min who scored the goal of today's game.  Ⓒ Tottenham
▲ Gareth Bale (left) and Son Heung-min who scored the goal of today’s game. Ⓒ Tottenham

World-renowned soccer star Son Heung-min (29) achieved the most attack points in a season with 18 goals and 13 assists this season.

Son Heung-min started off in the first leg of the 2020-2021 European Football Federation (UEFA) Europa League round of 32 with Wolfsberger held at the Fuskas Arena in Budapest, Hungary on the 19th, scoring the opening goal in the 13th minute.

He took the lead in a 4-1 victory by scoring with a header shot from Gareth Bale’s cross.

Through this goal, Son Heung-min scored his 18th goal in the season and his 31st attacking point, and succeeded in achieving the most attacking points in a season.

His previous record of attacking points was 18 goals and 12 assists last season.

After joining Tottenham in August 2015, Son Heung-min proved his worth in Europe by scoring 14 Champions League goals and 6 Europa League goals in the final UEFA club competition.

According to statistics site Opta, Son Heung-min is the fourth to score more than 20 goals in the UEFA tournament for Tottenham.

In addition, he achieved 100 EPL attack points for the first time as an Asian player, surpassing 100 goals in Tottenham’s career and 150 goals in Europe.

This season, he also joined the ’10-10′ club by scoring double digits and helping in the official game. He is also aiming at the top scorer with the 3rd place in EPL.

Sohn Heung-min, who was exhausted from a series of schedules, took a break after only digesting the first half in the Wolfsberger match. Ⓒ Safe Times

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