[해외축구] Manchester United shocked Sheffield’Last’ with league leader

▲ Manchester United, led by coach Solskár, recorded defeat.  Ⓒ Man U Instagram
▲ Manchester United, led by coach Solskár, recorded defeat. Ⓒ Man U Instagram

The BBC reported on the 28th that Manchester United, who had been undefeated in 14 English Premier League games, failed to retake the lead after losing to the last, Sheffield United, who had only one win.

Manchester United were able to take the lead if they won this game, but they were in second place due to an unexpected defeat.

Contrary to expectations before the game, the opening goal came first in Sheffield. Brian took a corner kick by John Fleck in the 22nd minute, finishing with a clean header to lead the way.

In the 29th minute, Marshall, the United striker, finished the missed ball by Sheffield’s goalkeeper, but the referee declared a foul and the goal was not awarded.

There was a similar situation where De Gea was disturbed even in the situation of Manchester United’s concession just before, but the score was recognized, which caused controversy.

In the 63rd minute, Manchester United defender Harry Maguire headed Teles’ corner kick to the start.

Manchester United continued to attack for victory, but the winning goal came from Sheffield. Burke, who was handed the ball that Manchester United goalkeeper De Gea had removed by mistake, made a shot and the victory was confirmed.

While looking to win the championship, Manchester United missed the lead in front of his eyes. On the other hand, Sheffield United, who won only one win this season, set fire to the competition for survival by showing off their own play against the strongest team.

“It took a long time to win the Old Trafford,” said Chris Wilder, Sheffield United coach. “This match was a special result and performance.” Ⓒ Safe Times

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