[핫클릭] Jang Hye-young, in the US Time magazine’Next 100’… The only Korean

Sending time2021-02-18 08:34


At this time, it is a hot click time to find out articles that are attracting attention to netizens.

Let’s look at the news one by one.

▶ Jang Hye-young, US Time magazine’Next 100’… The only Korean

Justice Party Rep. Jang Hye-young was named the only Korean in the list of ‘100 Rising People’ selected by the US current affairs magazine’Time’.

Time said that Jang was “one of the youngest legislators in Korea,” and introduced that he made a documentary by trying to pass the anti-discrimination law in the National Assembly and helping his disabled brother to become independent.

Time also reported the fact that Jang was sexually assaulted by former Justice Party leader Kim Jong-cheol, and that Kim Jong-cheol later resigned.

Rep. Jang expressed his feelings through Facebook that he would send love and solidarity to the Justice Party, party members, and citizens he respects.

▶ Cho Byeong-gyu canceled legal response to “Apologize to the author of the abuse

Actor Cho Byeong-gyu said it was canceling the legal action, saying that it received an apology from the author of the recent allegation of school violence.

The agency HB Entertainment said, “The author of the post contacted me, admitted that it was a false post, and appealed for a favor.”

However, he added that if a similar case occurs, he will respond strongly.

Earlier, an online community posted an article claiming that Cho Byeong-gyu used verbal violence in school, and the agency commissioned a police investigation.

▶ Heo Kyung-hwan’s business partner who stole 2.7 billion won from the company… 3 years and 6 months in prison

A partner who ran a chicken breast company with comedian Gyeong-hwan Heo and stole a large amount of money was sentenced to imprisonment at the first trial.

The Seoul Central District Court sentenced Huh’s partner A, who was accused of embezzlement and forgery of private documents, to three years and six months in prison and a fine of 10 million won.

Mr. A has been accused of deducting over 2.7 billion won in his money by actually operating Heo-Dak Co., Ltd. for four years since July 2010.

In 2018, Mr. A was also sentenced to probation for fraud.

Yonhap News TV article inquiries and reports: katok/line jebo23
