[프로배구] Heungkuk Life Insurance, GS Caltex, finished solo First place of the season


GS Caltex, a women’s volleyball player, took down Heungkuk Life, who had been leading the entire season, and climbed to the top.

In the fierce battle for rankings, IBK Industrial Bank, which is at stake in the third place, has a variable in the rise of the main gun Lazarev.

This is Lee Dae-ho.


GS Caltex took 1 set first with Kang So-hui’s cannonball-like sub-ace.

In the second set, Lutz and Lee So-young took turns bombing the court of Heungkuk Life Insurance to ease the game.

Heungkuk Life on the cliff won 3 sets, but GS Caltex, who reorganized the line, ended the game in 4 sets with the attack of captain Lee So-young.

GS Caltex, who won a set score of 3 to 1, has the same victory points as Heungkuk Life Insurance with 53 points, but has risen to the top for the first time this season in terms of set score.

With both teams remaining three games in the regular season, GS Caltex, which has advanced both in power and atmosphere, has an advantage in the competition for the first place.

<메레타 러츠 / GS칼텍스> “I’m so happy to be ranked #1 today and all of my colleagues are happy. I’ll work hard to the end and keep this grade.”

In the midst of a fight for the third place with a playoff ticket, IBK lost the main gun Lazarev in an injury on the 27th.

Lazarevah, who had a bad back, was ill after defending his coat without changing up to 5 sets against the road construction.

Lazareva, who entered the bench during the 5th set, cried sadly, and IBK lost a 2-3 set score.

The third place IBK, which was chased by the fourth place road construction company by one point, was in danger of losing the game and even the player.

This is Yonhap News TV Lee Dae-ho.

Yonhap News TV article inquiries and reports: katok/line jebo23
