[프로농구] “Even in a risk of danger” Woori Bank won the 13th regular league

Sending time2021-02-22 07:31



Woori Bank, Asan, a women’s professional basketball team, completed the BNK in Busan and confirmed the championship of the regular league in the 2020-2021 season.

With Woori Bank’s victory, the spring basketball match was also confirmed.

This is Park Ji-eun.


Woori Bank was frightened from the start in the expedition against BNK, where the victory of self-power goes over the water.

Veteran Park Hye-jin and young blood Park Ji-hyun alternately fired at the inner and outer guns, leaving two minutes left for the 1st quarter to lead by 14-0.

BNK was dragged helplessly from beginning to end, struggling with an empty ball that couldn’t score a goal until the 8th minute of the game was over, and Woori Bank predicted a victory early on.

Woori Bank, which greatly beat BNK 55-29, recorded 22 wins and 8 losses. Regardless of the results of the 2nd place KB’s Samsung Life Battle on the 24th, they were ahead of the opponents and confirmed the championship.

Woori Bank, which was number one in the regular league last season, which ended early due to Corona 19, reached the top of the regular league for two consecutive seasons.

With the 13th regular season win in WKBL’s career, Woori Bank is now challenging for the 10th combined win in history.

<위성우 / 아산 우리은행 감독> “When Park Hye-jin was injured before the opening, I thought,’Oh, we’re really in trouble.’ I really appreciate the players.”

The spring basketball match was also confirmed.

Woori Bank, who ranked first in the regular league, is in 4th place with Samsung Life Insurance, and KB, which has been confirmed in 2nd place, is vying to advance to the championship match in the playoffs of 3rd place and 2nd place with 3rd place Shinhan Bank.

BNK, who fell into a ninth straight loss, ended the season with a shabby score of 5-25.

The 29 points that BNK scored against Woori Bank were the minimum points in a game since the launch of WKBL.

This is Yonhap News TV Park Ji-eun. ([email protected])

Yonhap News TV article inquiries and reports: katok/line jebo23
