[팩트체크] Can Vitamin D Prevent Corona 19?

Inexpensive and widely available sunlight nutrients
UK reviews evidence of COVID-19 prevention for vitamin D intake last year
Experts’ debate and evidence on the effects of vitamin D
How to prevent vitamin D deficiency,’sunlight, food, supplements’

Is vitamin D effective in preventing Corona 19 / Image = Pre-Pick ⓒ Chemical News CG
Is vitamin D effective in preventing Corona 19 / Image = Pre-Pick ⓒ Chemical News CG

Is vitamin D effective in preventing Corona 19?

Last year, researchers in the UK said that getting enough vitamin D, which is made in the lower layers of the skin through absorption of sunlight, plays a central role in immune and metabolic function and reduces the risk of respiratory disease in certain communities. I did.

However, the conclusion was controversial, and the UK’s National Institute of Health and Clinical Research (NICE) and the Public Health Institute continued to announce that there was insufficient evidence to take action as a result of reviewing vitamin D’s potential ability to reduce the risk of coronavirus. The reason was that there was not enough research.

In the middle of last year, the UK said it was reviewing the evidence to see if vitamin D is effective in preventing COVID-19, and related research has spilled over, and the UK government, which did not give official guidelines, in November last year, a prison that offered free supplements to all prisoners It has announced that it will provide free vitamin D supplements for four months to all people in the service and in some 2.7 million nursing homes.

In addition, Secretary Hancock said, “Many studies have shown that vitamin D can have a positive impact on preventing COVID-19,” and drafting vitamin D recommendations for the treatment and prevention of coronavirus to NICE and the UK Public Health. Ordered to do it.

Find out what kind of controversy and evidence have occurred.

Experts’ debate over the effects of vitamin D

Clinicians and endocrinologists around the world have started debating whether sufficient amounts of vitamin D can have a positive effect on coronavirus-related mortality, according to the British Guardian and elsewhere.

Some thought it was an effective treatment, and some thought it was a waste of time.

In March last year, scientific advisors from the UK government examined existing evidence and determined that there was not enough evidence, but in April, next month, dozens of doctors convincingly convinced that correction of vitamin D deficiency is potentially important and viable COVID-19 relief remedies. It was published in the British Medical Journal, describing it as a safe and easy step to present.

At Newcastle Hospital, England, patients found to be deficient in vitamin D were given very high oral doses, up to 750 times the daily reading.

In July last year, clinicians posted in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology, of the first 134 coronavirus patients who were given vitamin D, 94 were discharged, 24 were still being hospitalized, and 16 died, of which only 3 were killed. Man said that he died with high vitamin D levels, and all were in their weak 90s.

Following the lead of Newcastle doctors, more and more people started taking vitamins directly, and NHS staff said they received free health packs including vitamin C, vitamin D and zinc from frontline immune support teams after the unofficial request of clinicians.

As sales of vitamin D supplements increased significantly, some doctors informally recommend vitamin D to patients. A British Physician Association has revealed its members believe that a deficiency of vitamin D3 is a major risk factor for severe coronavirus infections with accumulated evidence, and darker-skinned races shed UV light in the deeper layers where Vitain D3 is made. She explained that because they receive less, they are more prone to vitamin D deficiency than white skin.

The UK Ministry of Public Health has revised the vitamin D guidelines for fears that people will be less exposed to the sun during the period of social obstruction due to COVID-19, suggesting that they take only small doses once in the winter, and now advises everyone to take them daily throughout the year. did. This applies only to people of color, people in nursing homes, and children 1-4 years old.

In May of last year, former Brexit Minister David Davis in a letter to Health Secretary Matt Hancock urged them to review free supplements to address vitamin D deficiency. He said it is estimated that 40% of the population is deficient in vitamin D this winter, and hopes that it could help mitigate the risk among the most vulnerable elderly, obese and people of color.

‘All this evidence makes it clear that vitamin D has a material effect’ Congressman David Davies (right) and Labor Congressman Rupa Hugh/ Guardian Capture

Finding evidence of vitamin D’s efficacy

While he called on the British government to take action, research was pouring out around the world, and evidence of vitamin D’s efficacy was increasing.

An experimental study in France suggested that taking regular vitamin D supplements in nursing homes in 66 people was associated with mild Corona 19 and survival rates.

According to Medical Express, a research team from Israeli Health Services has published a study showing a link between a lack of vitamin D and a possible positive COVID-19 test. Analysis of data from the survey of 782 confirmed patients and 725 people who tested negative has a significant connection, suggesting that vitamin D deficiency may be an independent risk factor for COVID-19 infection, the research team explained.

A preliminary study by the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Foundation and East Alglia University found a link between low levels of vitamin D and European countries with coronavirus infection rates, and countries closer to the equator with the exception of Brazil and India, but farther away. They said they were less affected by Corona 19 than others.

Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on Mortality and Clinical Outcomes in COVID-19 Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis-“Prescribing vitamin D supplements to patients with COVID-19 reduced mortality, disease severity, and serum levels of indications of inflammation Let’s go” / medRxiv capture

Another study by Singapore General Hospital, published in the Journal of Nutrition, found that treating patients with a combination of vitamin D, magnesium and vitamin B12 was associated with reducing worst-case outcomes.

A Spanish study conducted in early September last year showed that low vitamin D levels play a pivotal role in increasing mortality. Fifty COVID-19 patients received high doses of vitamin D, 26 patients did not, half of those who did not receive intensive care, and two later died.

Of the patients who received vitamin D, only one patient needed to be hospitalized in the intensive care unit (ICU) and later discharged without complications.

Even with all of these new studies on the efficacy of vitamin D, Davis said, he appears to be reluctant to fund high-quality research by the government and the charitable private sector. “All these observational studies show the potent effect of vitamin D on infectivity, morbidity and mortality, because the disease is severely present above 40 degrees latitude and the UV rays disappear in winter,” he said.

“There is something that could potentially save hundreds of thousands of lives around the world, and there is not enough evidence of it,” Davies said. “If it’s pointing to a positive sign, why not do something?”

It was also not a coincidence that countries like Finland, which fortified dairy products, and New Zealand, which prescribe vitamin D to all elderly nursing home residents since 2011, have had rare cases of coronavirus and deaths.

How to prevent vitamin D deficiency,’sunlight, food, supplements’

In Korea, due to the high amount of sunlight, vitamin D, which is synthesized into the skin through sunlight, was not considered important. However, busy office workers and students who are studying are now in a situation where all those who have significantly reduced their external activities due to Corona 19 are forced to lack vitamin D.

According to Samsung Medical Center, it is recommended that it is necessary to expose the sun outdoors without applying sunscreen for 5 to 30 minutes on the arms and legs at least twice a week, between 10 am and 3 pm.

Windows and sunscreens block ultraviolet B, which is necessary for the synthesis of vitamin D, so they are not helpful for vitamin D synthesis, and the synthesis ability decreases with obesity or age. In cities where air pollution is more severe in winter than in summer than in rural areas, the amount of UV rays decreases, resulting in insufficient vitamin D synthesis.

You can take vitamin D as food.

Foods containing vitamin D and recommended number of intakes / Samsung Medical Center

It is found most often in fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and herring, and is mainly found in egg yolks, mushrooms, and vitamin D-fortified dairy products. It is recommended to drink blue-green fish 2-3 times a week, eggs 2-3 times a week, and 1 to 2 cups of vitamin D-fortified dairy products such as milk daily.

In the case of oily fish, a sufficient amount of intake is satisfied by ingesting a small piece of fish, and it is recommended to properly consume dairy products, eggs, and mushrooms.

Office workers, test takers, postmenopausal women, and the elderly over 70 years of age with fewer outdoor species may consider vitamin D supplements because they are more likely to lack vitamin D in the body. It is best to measure the content of vitamin D in the blood and then recommend an appropriate dose to yourself.

If this is not the case, it is generally recommended to supplement 800IU daily in the form of vitamin D3.

It is not false information that if you eat vitamin D, you will not get Corona 19 or it will be cured, but the decline in immunity due to a lack of nutrition reduces the strength of our body to overcome any virus. It will be necessary to take care of it.

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