[코인열풍] Bitcoin market cap exceeded $1 trillion because of Chinese beauty apps?

Market cap exceeded $1 trillion, second since February 19th
China’s May2 purchases $17.9 million bitcoin

[사진=CNBC 홈페이지 캡처]

The market capitalization of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin has recaptured the 1 trillion dollar (about 1140 trillion won) position. It is the second market capitalization of $1 trillion after the 19th of last month.

CNBC, a US economic media outlet, cited CoinDesk data and reported that at 11:35 a.m. Singapore time, the bitcoin price rose 7% to $54,029.85 compared to the 24-hour transaction, exceeding the market capitalization of $1 trillion. .

CNBC explained, “It is the second time since February 19 that the market cap of bitcoin exceeded $1 trillion,” and explained that the price of bitcoin had entered an adjustment tax after the first market cap reached $1 trillion.

“The current bitcoin price is out of the record high of $58,333,36, but it is still showing a huge rally.” He added.

CNBC said that the bitcoin price rally was due to the participation of large institutional investors and global companies in the cryptocurrency market, citing Tesla, Square, and MicroStrategy as the leading bitcoin investment companies.

Meanwhile, China’s beauty application (app) company Mei To purchases $4 million worth of Bitcoin and Ethereum, and announces the acquisition of Cryptocurrency security company Curve by Internet payment company PayPal. I pointed it out as a background.

Bloomberg News reported that May2 bought 15,000 Ethereum ($22.1 million) and about 379 Bitcoins ($17.9 million) in the cryptocurrency market on the 5th. According to the strategy to diversify its investment portfolio, May2 has made a plan to invest $100 million in cryptocurrencies that are expected to increase further, and this investment is part of the plan, the news agency explained.

Monetary easing policies promoted by countries around the world are enhancing the investment attractiveness of Bitcoin.

CNBC pointed out that “the monetary mitigation measures such as low interest rates and asset purchases by central banks in each country are providing a good environment for investing in bitcoin by lowering the value of financial currencies such as the US dollar.”

Meanwhile, as of 2 p.m. Korean time, the bitcoin price is trading at $5,3693.92, up 6.51% compared to 24-hour trading. At the same time, Ethereum is moving at $1843.20, up 5.93%.

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