[코로나19 발생현황] 382 new confirmed people… 300 people in one week (total)

Input 2021.03.15 09:31 | Revision 2021.03.15 09:51

The number of new coronavirus infections (Corona 19) in Korea recorded 382 as of the 15th.

The Central Defense Response Headquarters announced that the number of new corona19 confirmed cases in Korea as of 0 o’clock on the day was 382, ​​down 77 from the previous day (459). There are 370 local outbreaks and 12 overseas inflows. The cumulative number of confirmed cases is 96,017.

On the morning of the 14th, citizens and foreign workers in Gyeonggi Province are standing in a long line at the temporary screening clinic for coronavirus infection (Corona 19) installed in the plaza of Suwon Station in Gyeonggi Province. /yunhap news

Looking at the cumulative number of new confirmed cases in the last week, 446 → 470 → 465 → 488 → 490 → 459 → 382. The decline in the number of people to 300 in a week is also affected by the decrease in the number of corona19 corona tests over the weekend compared to weekdays.

The death toll increased by six. The cumulative number of deaths up to this day was 1,675. There were 346 new releases of quarantine, with a total of 87754 being released from quarantine. Currently, 6588 people are in containment. There are 99 patients with severe gastric disorders.

Looking at the number of new confirmed cases by region on this day, ▲ Seoul 112 ▲ Busan 4 ▲ Daegu 4 ▲ Incheon 18 ▲ Gwangju Metropolitan City 1 ▲ Daejeon 2 ▲ Ulsan 1 ▲ Sejong 2 ▲ Gyeonggi 161 ▲ Gangwon 10 ▲ 9 people in Chungbuk ▲ 5 people in Chungnam ▲ 4 people in Jeonbuk ▲ 3 people in Gyeongbuk ▲ 31 people in Gyeongnam ▲ 3 people in Jeju.

As of 0 o’clock on that day, 1074 people were newly vaccinated. Up to now, the first dose of the Corona 19 vaccine has been completed for a total of 58,895 people. By vaccine, AstraZeneca vaccine was 56,2816 people, Pfizer vaccine was 22,6142 people, and so on.

A total of 28 new cases were reported as being suspected of adverse reactions after the Corona 19 vaccination on that day. Of these, 26 cases were reported to be common cases after vaccination. In addition, there are two suspected cases of anaphylaxis.
