[카라바오컵 REVIEW] ‘Carbani + Marshall’s Consecutive Goals’ Manchester United beat Everton 2-0.

▲ Edinson Cavani (center)’s left foot saved Manchester United.

[스포티비뉴스=맹봉주 기자] Edinson Cavani showed off his solver skills.

Manchester United defeated Everton 2-0.

The result was a complete win, but the content was not. The first half was overwhelmed by Manchester United. Everton scored 10 shots.

In particular, the movement of Kabani was light. In the 15th minute of the first half, he received a cross from the left flank and shot two consecutive shots, but was blocked by the goalkeeper and the defense.

Everton was completely behind the ball share. The attack was gradually released after 20 minutes of the first half.

Gilby Sigirdsson threatened the Manchester United goal with a sharp free kick in the 26th minute. It was a scene that could have been scored without Dean Henderson’s Super Save.

The 0-0 battle between the two teams continued. Everton blocked the attack on Man U with a leg defense In the 11th minute of the second half, Hishalysong was replaced by a sudden injury, but no crack was seen.

Manchester United replaced two strikers. It was Marcus Rashford and Anthony Marshall. It was the will of manager Ole Gunnar Solskár Manchester United to somehow see the game in 90 minutes without going to the penalty shootout.

Solshar’s number of matches worked. In the 43rd minute of the second half, Marshall passed it to Kabani, who was digging to the right. Cabani scored the goal with a surprise mid-range shot with his left foot. Kabani’s oriental medicine skills were outstanding.

Just before the end of the game, he even scored an extra goal. Everton raised the line to the extreme for a tie, but rather allowed Manchester United to counterattack. Marshall, who had a one-on-one chance with the goalkeeper, scored an extra goal to win Manchester United.

Spotify News = Reporter Maeng Bongju

Report> [email protected]

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