[취재파일] Hwang Eui-jo fluttering with the help of’best friend’ Son Heung-min “Please look forward to the upper cut ceremony”

“Uijo~ Uijo~”

In the locker room after the Bordeaux game, special cheering singers singing’Uijo’ resonate day after day. 4 goals and 1 assist in the last 4 games that came out on top. I met Hwang Eui-jo, who is building his position as a leading striker in Bordeaux, through burn. It was just after the intensive training from 10 am to 12 am local time, but the voice was full of energy, and the expression was consistently bright for about 30 minutes during the interview.

▶ Fluttering Hwang Eui-jo… “Heungmin was very helpful.”

Q. The atmosphere in the locker room is hot after the game these days. Fellow players in the last two games in a row have said, You said,’Euijo!’, what does it mean?

-It’s a celebration we’ve been with when we win since last year. To congratulate everyone together, we call out the names of the players who scored in the match. I haven’t been doing it for a while, but these days I started over with winning streaks.

Q. You seem to understand French now.

– haha. When I asked the players, it seemed to mean that.

Q. You were smiling wide, but did you laugh at the atmosphere while not understanding it?

-Yes, it is. haha. Because I won, everyone likes it. Still, when my name is called in the locker room, I am grateful. So I want to score more goals. If you win, the mood gets better. Of course, my grades go up, and I hope this atmosphere continues.

Q. The first half goal silence was really long. What was the problem?

-Just before the opening, the director changed. I had to adapt to a new style. The coach also needed time to figure out the players. I tried using such a player, and I tried using a player in this place, and in other places. I also did. Still, I steadily took the opportunity to participate, and I thought about it positively and prepared it. You have to play in order to score goals.

Q. I think the two consecutive goals in the A match in November last year triggered a reversal. Sohn Heung-min, the captain of the national team, said, “I want to help me find my confidence and return to my team.”

-I think the atmosphere has changed. It wasn’t a long time since I met Heung-min and his colleagues again, and I felt good, and because I scored in it, I was able to return with confidence. Heung-min was also an assist for both goals, so Heung-min really helped.

Q. On December 17 after returning, you finally scored the first goal of the season against Saint-Etienne. The ceremony was impressive. What does it mean?

-When I received basic military training last summer, I belonged to the 1st Platoon of 5th Company. When I scored goals with my training motives at the time, I decided to do a hand movement that remembers the 1st Platoon of 5th Company, but it took too long to keep this promise.

[취재파일]  Hwang Eui-jo fluttering with the help of'best friend' Son Heung-min, please look forward to the'Uppercut Ceremony'

Q. After scoring, there have been more games in the front line from Strasbourg. In the recent one-top 4 games, 4 goals and 1 help. After all, is the front line right?

-The front line is comfortable. I told the director that the front line is more comfortable, and the director also had in mind. It’s more important to play what the manager wants, whether it’s the front or the side. However, when I was able to play one top, I didn’t want to miss this opportunity somehow.

Q. After scoring against Nice, coach Gase compared Hwang Ui-jo to a Swiss army knife, which is a’pronoun of a multi-purpose knife’.

-I think it could be. When I heard that, I felt very good. Being able to play in multiple positions can be my strength. Even during the game, the position changes from time to time. I think I have to think positively and continue to repay as much as I expect. I am thinking of doing my best anywhere.

Q. There seems to be an increasing number of scenes where you can play your personal skills to your heart’s content, such as doing so-called phantom dribbling at the Lorian exhibition.

-Rather than change, I’m researching various ways to play what my colleagues want.

▶ Help Hwang Eui-jo Season 2… ‘One Top’ is perfect

Q. When it comes to’Hwang Eui-jo’, it used to be’Gam (A) Cha (Gi) King’, but nowadays, there are many ways to score goals.

-I try to shoot a lot, but I think it is because I try to make a better chance. Somehow I try to shoot a lot. I’m worried about how to create a shot opportunity. I also practice putting in various patterns.

Q. There was a scene where the ability to select a location was outstanding, like a goal against Nice.

-It’s all thanks to my colleagues. As the second season in Bordeaux, we got to know each other well. Because I knew Adli’s favorite play, I knew which way to go, and I went to find the spot.

Q. The number of sprints has rather increased as you go one-top. Did you score a strint within the team in all of the last four games that went on the top?

-I look at the record every time after the game, but I think it happened because the team and the teammates matched it well. I can’t say that I want to sprint a lot. When I try to run, the pass has to come in the direction of the run. I like to infiltrate, and the players who know it saved me.

Q. Before Angers, the top speed reached 33.34km/h. How is your body in mid-season?

-I steadily trained a lot and prepared a lot personally, so I think positively about the part of my body that has improved. What’s more important is staying up to date. I am also paying attention to recovery, but I think the second half is more important.

Q. You also scored your first multi-goal after entering Europe. In an interview with Son Heung-min, there was Hwang Eui-jo among the most recent contacts. Did you contact me?

-Yes, congratulations on scoring two goals. It seems like they are communicating with each other like that. Congratulations on what to celebrate. Heungmin is also doing so well.

Q. Then, who was the most recent contact with Hwang Eui-jo?

-The person you last contacted? Shall we see? family. There is also Heungmin. There is also Seungwoo. And Bordeaux officials. haha.
[취재파일]  Hwang Eui-jo fluttering with the help of'best friend' Son Heung-min, please look forward to the'Uppercut Ceremony'

Q. What was your recent talk with Son Heung-min?

-I watched the FA Cup Wickham match, and it looked cold. So when I said that it looks a lot cold, he said,’It’s a lot cold.’

Q. Heung-min Son and Eui-jo Hwang are having the best time in Europe, but the players Seung-woo Lee, Hee-chan Hwang, and Kang-in Lee, whom you just contacted, are going through a difficult time. What did you say?

-They are very capable players, so I am not worried at all. Like Seungwoo, Heechan and Kangin are great players and players who can do better. You will be working really hard where you can’t see it. I know you’ll be grinding your teeth, so I’m sure you’ll get through the situation.

Q. The Olympic team, led by coach Kim Hak-beom, is undergoing field training. What if coach Kim calls the Tokyo Olympic team as a wild card this summer?

– Yeah? haha. I didn’t think about it… If the director really speaks, I will seriously consider from then on.

Q. Are you in trouble?

– Yes. There is also my personal part, but I think I have to consider the opportunities of my juniors and judge.

Q. These days, the sense of goal has really risen, but like Son Heung-min, don’t you have to prepare a little goal ceremony?

– Iknow, right. It seems like I was just running around because it was good to score goals. What would you like? I have nothing to remember. please recommend.

[취재파일]  Hwang Eui-jo fluttering with the help of'best friend' Son Heung-min, please look forward to the'Uppercut Ceremony'

Q. Wink?

-Anything else? I am not good at winking. uppercut? Shall we do that? I’ll try it.

Q. Now, 7 points difference with AS Monaco, the fourth place in the Europa League. What is your goal for the second half?

-My personal goal has always been a double digit score. If there is a really big goal, it is to raise the team’s performance, and I hope I can help you to improve it as much as possible.

Q. A word to the fans watching Leagueang through SBS Sports.

-The corona is still not disappearing and I am very tired and difficult, but I hope you can hold on well until the end. Also, I am very grateful to the fans who supported me until late. I will play as much as I can and score as many goals as possible. Best wishes for a Happy New Year.
