[체험기] I tried cashing out card points… “130,000 won deuktem”

Enter 2021-01-06 10:07 | Revision 2021-01-06 10:27

▲ Screen capture of the reporter’s card point inquiry through the integrated card point inquiry service.ⓒ

Most adults use multiple credit cards, but it was cumbersome to check, transfer and cash out my card points at once. This time, the Financial Services Commission, the Credit Finance Association, and the KFTC launched the’Card Point Integrated Inquiry and Cashing Service’ to alleviate the inconvenience of these people.

Starting on the 5th, a service that allows you to search scattered card points at once and convert them into cash in a specific account in your name has started.

The service can be used in the Credit Finance Association’s integrated card point inquiry mobile app and homepage, and the KFTC’s account info mobile app.

From the first day of service opening, the server was interrupted due to system overload. Although the system covers up to 200,000 simultaneous users, it means that more than that are connected. As the households became difficult due to Corona 19, the expectation to collect even points seems to have worked.

The Credit Finance Association said, “As public interest increases after the service was opened, the service operation is disrupted due to overload of the system after lunchtime.” Please take time to use the service.”

Accordingly, the reporter also accessed through the credit finance association’s integrated card point inquiry app on mobile at around 5 am on the 6th, when access is expected to be idle.

Available cards are Shinhan, Samsung, Hyundai, Lotte, Woori, Kookmin, Hana, BC, etc., and 3 combined credit card companies including Nonghyup, Citi, and Post Office.

Actually, the post office was not searched. In the case of a card that I do not use,’I am not a member of my company’ is displayed.

However, it was revealed that the service is not available for the BC Card that reporters use as the main due to system inspection. If the points were converted into cash, they would occupy most of the portion, but it was unfortunate that the inquiry was not possible.

Shinhan Card reported that data reception was not smooth, and the server operation and system compatibility with the card company were still unstable.

When I reconnected at around 9:30 am, I was able to view BC Card points. 131,606 points were identified.

BC Card 131,606 points and Kookmin Card 225 points were transferred to 131,606 won and 225 won, respectively. Hyundai Card’s M Point 1594 was excluded because it is not a point that can be converted into cash. Since I have never used card points properly, 130,000 won feels like an empty money.

However, this time, a message was displayed indicating that data reception was not smooth for NH Nonghyup Card following Shinhan Card. There are some inconveniences as the traffic situation is changing in real time depending on the user.

Regarding this, an official from the Credit Finance Association said, “In the case of the post office, the search item itself is not displayed unless it is a member of its own company. He added, “I ask you to take your time slowly and use it when people are not crowded.”

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